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Author Topic: Latest Bowler's Education Seminar  (Read 869 times)


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Latest Bowler's Education Seminar
« on: May 17, 2004, 08:36:47 AM »
Well, another Bowler's Education Seminar at Shady Grove Lanes (Gaithersburg, MD) has come and gone -- I'm sad and sore , but what a great experience!!  Special thanks to Dr. Jeff Briggs, Ron Clifton, Dan Shore and Jim Asbury for putting together another fantastic seminar!!  You'll never learn so much or throw so many balls in 3 short days!!  Got to meet kwolf68 and reacquainted with Toma and CoachJim -- all great guys and fun to bowl with!!

If you ever have the chance to attend one of these seminars, by all means DO IT!!  We spend about 2 hours a day in the classroom on Friday and Saturday, with 4+ hours on the lanes each day.  Sundays are an hour in the classroom with 2-3 hours on the lanes.  There are generally 4-6 students per coach, although this weekend was more like 3/coach and you get to pick some of the best minds around with any of your bowling questions.  They are more than patient and never try to change too many things at one time.  The bowling center will put down patterns you may or may not have seen, so it's not the same house shot all the time.  I could go on and on -- and you're more than welcome to message me with any questions about my experience.  All I can say is, if you're serious about your bowling and willing to take the temporary hit on your self esteem/average to take your game to the next level, sign up for the next BES coming this fall.  Check back often with Ron Clifton ( or Dr. Jeff Briggs ( for details...

Edited on 5/19/2004 10:19 AM


Magic Carpet

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Re: Latest Bowler's Education Seminar
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2004, 11:00:55 AM »
I want to thank all the Ball Reviews members that attended. You can ALWAYS count on them BR members.
They live, eat and sleep bowling and can bowl all day!!!
I always have a great time when I go to AMF Shady Grove Lanes. The management and staff bend over backwards to accommodate us and sometimes we are a pain in the butt.They lets us put out tape and targets all over the lanes. Heck we have even put chairs down the lane. It's funny to watch other bowlers walk by and wonder what the crazy people are doing with chairs, mops and big rolls of masking tape.

Dan Shore is one of the best organizers I have ever met. He tells me when it’s time to eat and go to the bathroom. He is becoming a great coach and bowler as well. Before you know it he will be giving up his government job…..NOT HARDLY he has it made there.
Jim Asbury in the pro shop also bends over backwards to help us and the students out. I have been very impressed with his ball knowledge. Even though he has been drilling for 92 years he still stays up to date and seeks knowledge. A lot of the attendes need ball adjustmens and Jim is very good at that. I know he has picked up a lot of new customers from the seminar. There is no doubt in my mind that he would be the one punching my balls if I lived in the DC Md area.
I hope to see some 800 sets shot by some of the attendees like happened after the last seminar. I know Toma bought a new house with his side pot money. Hehe
Hope to see you all in September…it will be a blast!!

Ron Clifton


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Re: Latest Bowler's Education Seminar
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2004, 12:30:25 PM »
Tonight is my first night of my new league.  The b*stards canceled my PBA pattern league, so I'm back to a standard house league .  Oh well, it's still a chance to perfect my 1 1/2 step pushaway...It's my left thigh that's still killin' me!!  Hope I don't fall flat on my face !!  My ball speed and revs are definitely up from Sunday, when I could barely roll a golf ball to the pocket !!  My Rush is streaking nicely down the lane with barely enough time to make the turn toward the pocket -- a testament to a sorta free arm swing.  I'll slow 'er down a little and see what happens tonight.  I hope I can swing the September date -- this stuff is too good to pass up!!  Mas platos gordos, por favor !!  


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Re: Latest Bowler's Education Seminar
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2004, 05:15:42 PM »
When and where in september


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Re: Latest Bowler's Education Seminar
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2004, 07:40:17 AM »
When and where in september

It will be at Shady Grove Lanes (Gaithersburg, MD) in late September, but the dates aren't established yet.  You can check the links above or watch this board later this summer.  Dan and Ron are very good about posting the info.....

Edited on 5/21/2004 7:38 AM