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Author Topic: Home Pro Shop Owners - Who is your supplier  (Read 21400 times)


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Home Pro Shop Owners - Who is your supplier
« on: November 28, 2014, 12:05:59 PM »
Our pro shop lost its lease due to the Bowlmor/AMF corporate decision.  I bought one of his Drills and am going to drill out of my garage.  Classic will not sell to me because I am not in a brick and mortar pro shop.  Who do you order from and what kind of a discount can I get.  Buddies and some of the other shops sell balls at the same price that we sold in the shop, so I can't give any of my customers a break on the balls.  Any suggestions?
14lb 15.5 mph at pins 325 Revs. Silver Coach, Ball Driller. In Bag:  Storm Pro-Motion, Hyroad X, Matchup, Code Red.



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Re: Home Pro Shop Owners - Who is your supplier
« Reply #31 on: December 03, 2014, 04:54:05 PM »
I have no idea what kind of ball driller dmonroe814 is, but he should expect to be blasted when he asks a question about buying wholesale and getting a discount so he can give his "customers" a break on balls.


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Re: Home Pro Shop Owners - Who is your supplier
« Reply #32 on: December 03, 2014, 10:21:47 PM »
Oh and BTW...

Record sales on Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving... :D

Record sales on Friday, the day after...known as Black Friday... ;D :D

Record sales on Saturday, known as small business day... ;D :D

I guess all the garage guys took the weekend off... ;D :D

You guys crack me up...

I especially love the guys who post..."went to a pro shop, span was 6 feet off"

"But my guy did it for $25 with slugs and inserts and lunch and a car wash by his

I must be lucky....I have BOWLERS for customers...



OH AND BTW...There are about 10 pro shops within 30 miles from me...

and a lot of garages... ;D :D

now trying doing some work while at work, for a change...

I don't know how to drill and I don't even have the equipment to do it, but I'd still rather do it by myself instead of letting someone like you do the job. You are pathetic.


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Re: Home Pro Shop Owners - Who is your supplier
« Reply #33 on: December 04, 2014, 12:20:10 AM »
L3nnOn, the best thing to do when you run into an internet troll is to ignore them.

Six decades of league bowling and still learning.

ABC/USBC Lifetime Member since Aug 1995.


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Re: Home Pro Shop Owners - Who is your supplier
« Reply #34 on: December 04, 2014, 01:23:04 AM »
L3nnOn, the best thing to do when you run into an internet troll is to ignore them.

I know, but people like him really creams my corn... >:(


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Re: Home Pro Shop Owners - Who is your supplier
« Reply #35 on: December 04, 2014, 11:06:28 AM »
L3nn0n, MI 2 AZ,
     Sorry, but JLS is no troll, trust me when I say you haven't seen a real internet troll is the Misc -Bowling forum, luckily. But JLS is passionate, sometimes that passion comes out in Red crayon, lol.
JLS, I know where you are coming from. While I do make a purchase on the internet from time to time, I would say for every ball I buy from the net, I make 3-4 purchases from my local pro shop (now that may be over a couple of years, but...). I try to support my local shops, as I know the struggle these guys and gals have everyday. I never ask for a discount, but have gotten some from time to time since I kept coming back. But every JLS or JustRico out there, there are probably 2-3 guys like some here have described. I related my last drilling story in the Switch Grip thread. I moved around, had my local house driller drill up a ball that I did purchase on the internet. His drillbit for the Switch Grip was set a different depth then my last driller. He wouldn't change his depth because he didn't want to screw up his other customers who have all their equipment drilled through him for me. So as a do I go back to this guy again?!? He was recommended, he is a bowler himself, a PBA Regional winner, so he knows his stuff. Yet he can't find a POS ball, one of his old ones, or ask to buy a cheap House ball, that he can Drill into and use as a guide to reset his depth after changing it?!? C'mon. Now I have drive probably 20-30 miles at least to find another pro shop to fix this ball and drill any others I decide to get (which I know isn't as bad as some guys here, so I am lucky that I have options, it's just the one that I'm discussin, is about a mile from my house).


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Re: Home Pro Shop Owners - Who is your supplier
« Reply #36 on: December 08, 2014, 12:34:20 PM »
L3nnOn, the best thing to do when you run into an internet troll is to ignore them.

I know, but people like him really creams my corn... >:(
here is a TYPICAL KEYBOARD POUNDER....They love to come on and slam
pro shops...they usually do this while at work...or in the case of this loser...while
on mommy's I-Pad...

More than likely this loser is not even potty trained...But as we have just seen...he got some help from one of his little friends...

so sad...

move along BOY...


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Re: Home Pro Shop Owners - Who is your supplier
« Reply #37 on: December 08, 2014, 12:43:35 PM »
L3nn0n, MI 2 AZ,
     Sorry, but JLS is no troll, trust me when I say you haven't seen a real internet troll is the Misc -Bowling forum, luckily. But JLS is passionate, sometimes that passion comes out in Red crayon, lol.
JLS, I know where you are coming from. While I do make a purchase on the internet from time to time, I would say for every ball I buy from the net, I make 3-4 purchases from my local pro shop (now that may be over a couple of years, but...). I try to support my local shops, as I know the struggle these guys and gals have everyday. I never ask for a discount, but have gotten some from time to time since I kept coming back. But every JLS or JustRico out there, there are probably 2-3 guys like some here have described. I related my last drilling story in the Switch Grip thread. I moved around, had my local house driller drill up a ball that I did purchase on the internet. His drillbit for the Switch Grip was set a different depth then my last driller. He wouldn't change his depth because he didn't want to screw up his other customers who have all their equipment drilled through him for me. So as a do I go back to this guy again?!? He was recommended, he is a bowler himself, a PBA Regional winner, so he knows his stuff. Yet he can't find a POS ball, one of his old ones, or ask to buy a cheap House ball, that he can Drill into and use as a guide to reset his depth after changing it?!? C'mon. Now I have drive probably 20-30 miles at least to find another pro shop to fix this ball and drill any others I decide to get (which I know isn't as bad as some guys here, so I am lucky that I have options, it's just the one that I'm discussin, is about a mile from my house).
Thank you Jorge....This child completely missed my point...

I could care less about basement/garage drillers...Don't have time to worry about them...I just worry about my business...


"my guy drill my ball for $25.00 with inserts, slug, lunch and a car wash from his daughter"...



Now Jorge, you know me...and little losers like this kid don't bother me with their geek tactics...

"I would never buy from you"

You are darn right BOY...We have standards...we wouldn't even let you in...without
your mommy...

Thanks for the kind words Jorge...And I'm sure Just Rico feels the same...


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Re: Home Pro Shop Owners - Who is your supplier
« Reply #38 on: December 08, 2014, 01:26:55 PM »
I used to look for closeouts, ebay auctions. Anymore I usually suggest the customer buys the ball online and just drill it for him. I have good line on slugs and grips, if your interested PM me.


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Re: Home Pro Shop Owners - Who is your supplier
« Reply #39 on: December 08, 2014, 03:10:13 PM »
L3nnOn, the best thing to do when you run into an internet troll is to ignore them.

I know, but people like him really creams my corn... >:(
here is a TYPICAL KEYBOARD POUNDER....They love to come on and slam
pro shops...they usually do this while at work...or in the case of this loser...while
on mommy's I-Pad...

More than likely this loser is not even potty trained...But as we have just seen...he got some help from one of his little friends...

so sad...

move along BOY...

hahahaha... I can't take someone like you seriously since you don't even know how to write iPad! hahaha i-pad? Come on!

Pathetic, simply pathetic "Mr grown up man"

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Re: Home Pro Shop Owners - Who is your supplier
« Reply #40 on: December 13, 2014, 08:28:10 PM »
JustRico I normally agree with much you have to say but feel you are wrong about this. 

Do you live in a small town with only one small bowling alley and no pro shop?   Do you have to drive 300 miles to get any work done on a ball?   And when you do go to one of the highly recommended pro shops in the big city and they drill a conventional ball with the grip a half inch too long, do you want to drive back to get the work redone and have them charge you to fix their mistake?  (Actual event experienced by another bowler who did not learn of the mis-fit until many months later by another more experienced bowler - he thought it was normal to have to stretch his fingers into the ball).  That is the situation here in our small town.  Thankfully, we have a person who is willing to drill out of his garage to provide the missing services that are not available otherwise.  If it was not for drillers like them, some bowlers would just give up the sport because help was not readily available to them.

What a crock of crap...Of course all real pro shops in the city are going to drill
the ball WRONG....And we all know, the only place where one can get a ball drilled right is in someones GARAGE...

What you really are saying is...If you want IT CHEAP...go to a garage...If you want it done right...go to a real pro might pay a bit more...but it's usually worth it to A REAL BOWLER...
I guess as a professional ball driller trained at The Vincennes University Bowling lanes management program,certified mechanic on Brunswick and Amf pinsetters,my garage shop must be cheap by an uneducated bowler.Btw our nearest full service pro shop is 60 miles away,without my credintials
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Re: Home Pro Shop Owners - Who is your supplier
« Reply #41 on: December 13, 2014, 08:33:18 PM »
Then make your 'garage' an actual business and treat it as such instead of justifying it not being one...fairly simple
Co-author of BowlTec's END GAMES ~ A Bowler's COMPLETE Guide to Bowling; Head Games ~ the MENTAL approach to bowling (and sports) & (r)eVolve
...where knowledge creates striking results...
BowlTEc on

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Re: Home Pro Shop Owners - Who is your supplier
« Reply #42 on: December 13, 2014, 08:53:19 PM »
Then make your 'garage' an actual business and treat it as such instead of justifying it not being one...fairly simple
Then make your 'garage' an actual business and treat it as such instead of justifying it not being one...fairly simple
JustRico I normally agree with much you have to say but feel you are wrong about this. 

Do you live in a small town with only one small bowling alley and no pro shop?   Do you have to drive 300 miles to get any work done on a ball?   And when you do go to one of the highly recommended pro shops in the big city and they drill a conventional ball with the grip a half inch too long, do you want to drive back to get the work redone and have them charge you to fix their mistake?  (Actual event experienced by another bowler who did not learn of the mis-fit until many months later by another more experienced bowler - he thought it was normal to have to stretch his fingers into the ball).  That is the situation here in our small town.  Thankfully, we have a person who is willing to drill out of his garage to provide the missing services that are not available otherwise.  If it was not for drillers like them, some bowlers would just give up the sport because help was not readily available to them.

What a crock of crap...Of course all real pro shops in the city are going to drill
the ball WRONG....And we all know, the only place where one can get a ball drilled right is in someones GARAGE...

What you really are saying is...If you want IT CHEAP...go to a garage...If you want it done right...go to a real pro might pay a bit more...but it's usually worth it to A REAL BOWLER...
I guess as a professional ball driller trained at The Vincennes University Bowling lanes management program,certified mechanic on Brunswick and Amf pinsetters,my garage shop must be cheap by an uneducated bowler.Btw our nearest full service pro shop is 60 miles away,without my credintials
JustRico I normally agree with much you have to say but feel you are wrong about this. 

Do you live in a small town with only one small bowling alley and no pro shop?   Do you have to drive 300 miles to get any work done on a ball?   And when you do go to one of the highly recommended pro shops in the big city and they drill a conventional ball with the grip a half inch too long, do you want to drive back to get the work redone and have them charge you to fix their mistake?  (Actual event experienced by another bowler who did not learn of the mis-fit until many months later by another more experienced bowler - he thought it was normal to have to stretch his fingers into the ball).  That is the situation here in our small town.  Thankfully, we have a person who is willing to drill out of his garage to provide the missing services that are not available otherwise.  If it was not for drillers like them, some bowlers would just give up the sport because help was not readily available to them.

What a crock of crap...Of course all real pro shops in the city are going to drill
the ball WRONG....And we all know, the only place where one can get a ball drilled right is in someones GARAGE...

What you really are saying is...If you want IT CHEAP...go to a garage...If you want it done right...go to a real pro might pay a bit more...but it's usually worth it to A REAL BOWLER...
I guess as a professional ball driller trained at The Vincennes University Bowling lanes management program,certified mechanic on Brunswick and Amf pinsetters,my garage shop must be cheap by an uneducated bowler.Btw our nearest full service pro shop is 60 miles away,without my credintials
JustRico I normally agree with much you have to say but feel you are wrong about this. 

Do you live in a small town with only one small bowling alley and no pro shop?   Do you have to drive 300 miles to get any work done on a ball?   And when you do go to one of the highly recommended pro shops in the big city and they drill a conventional ball with the grip a half inch too long, do you want to drive back to get the work redone and have them charge you to fix their mistake?  (Actual event experienced by another bowler who did not learn of the mis-fit until many months later by another more experienced bowler - he thought it was normal to have to stretch his fingers into the ball).  That is the situation here in our small town.  Thankfully, we have a person who is willing to drill out of his garage to provide the missing services that are not available otherwise.  If it was not for drillers like them, some bowlers would just give up the sport because help was not readily available to them.

What a crock of crap...Of course all real pro shops in the city are going to drill
the ball WRONG....And we all know, the only place where one can get a ball drilled right is in someones GARAGE...

What you really are saying is...If you want IT CHEAP...go to a garage...If you want it done right...go to a real pro might pay a bit more...but it's usually worth it to A REAL BOWLER...
I guess as a professional ball driller trained at The Vincennes University Bowling lanes management program,certified mechanic on Brunswick and Amf pinsetters,my garage shop must be cheap by an uneducated bowler.Btw our nearest full service pro shop is 60 miles away,without my credentials. Guedss my duplex also zone commercial,might qualify,and i get my supplies through Vincennes at wholesale prices from Ace Mitchell
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Re: Home Pro Shop Owners - Who is your supplier
« Reply #43 on: December 13, 2014, 09:10:39 PM »
So your 'education' and training as well as your circumstances should allow you to the squirt the rules? And because of your credentials, you shouldn't play by the same rules as the guy paying rent in a bowl? Just wondering...
Co-author of BowlTec's END GAMES ~ A Bowler's COMPLETE Guide to Bowling; Head Games ~ the MENTAL approach to bowling (and sports) & (r)eVolve
...where knowledge creates striking results...
BowlTEc on

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Re: Home Pro Shop Owners - Who is your supplier
« Reply #44 on: December 13, 2014, 11:10:21 PM »
So your 'education' and training as well as your circumstances should allow you to the squirt the rules? And because of your credentials, you shouldn't play by the same rules as the guy paying rent in a bowl? Just wondering...
As long as I'm qualified,not breaking any rules or laws,yes
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Re: Home Pro Shop Owners - Who is your supplier
« Reply #45 on: December 14, 2014, 08:40:30 AM »
I used to look for closeouts, ebay auctions. Anymore I usually suggest the customer buys the ball online and just drill it for him. I have good line on slugs and grips, if your interested PM me.
When I opened this thread, this was the answer I was looking for.  I didn't mean to stat a bashing of garage shop vs center shop.  Circumstances forced us out, not quality of work or prices.  I have some loyal customers that only want me to drill their balls.  I was wondering if I could get them a price deal for staying loyal.  Since I can't use a supplier, then I only charge them cost for the ball and give them a break on my labor.  That is all I wanted to know.

P.S. Anybody have and opinion on Grips Gloves?
14lb 15.5 mph at pins 325 Revs. Silver Coach, Ball Driller. In Bag:  Storm Pro-Motion, Hyroad X, Matchup, Code Red.