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Author Topic: Homo  (Read 5513 times)


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« on: October 04, 2004, 10:13:34 AM »
What do you guys think about homosexuality? Do you think people should put more thoughts into it? I mean I'm not a homo, but I hear guys who freaks out because they find out someone's gay or a lesbo. I mean what's up with that? they're still human. what can they do to you? How do you think people turn gay? I think people can't turn gay, I think they can only be born gay. But someone can correct me. Because I see no reason to turn gay. I mean I'm straight and I can't find a reason to turn gay. that's just to me an impossibility. So tell me about it and so I can learn your differing opinions.




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Re: Homo
« Reply #31 on: October 04, 2004, 08:20:19 PM »
if you knew i was not gay then you shouldnt have directed you comments at me by using "you" "your gay" and so on. and usually when using exclamation points the writer, being you, in this case, is showing an emotion, such as being worked up. how am i to know what you are really saying/thinking if you are using the wrong literary devices. i read words not you body language when discussing over the internet.

I addressed you with my opinion as if you were gay b/c you said you were not but "was there a problem if you were gay". You totally took that the wrong way and maybe that's my fault for using you as an example. Oh and my bad for the "wrong literary devices".

L o G

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Re: Homo
« Reply #32 on: October 04, 2004, 08:41:40 PM »
I don't have anything against the person but I have a strong hate for the life style.  This next statement is going to make me sound like a hipacrit considering my username and signature, but it is an insult to God and even if you don't belive in anything just look at the science of it.  It is un natural.  What is sex or what it is for?  It is to reproduce, two men can't creat a child and same with two women.  I have an aunt that is a lesbian, I hate her lifestyle but I love her the same.
'Bout time I set this record straight
All the needlenose punchin' is makin' me irate
Sick o' my b*tchin' fallin' on deaf ears
Where YOU gonna be in the next five years?
The crew and all the fools, and all the politix
Get your lips ready, gonna gag, gonna make you sick
You got dick when they passed out the good stuff
Are you sick of me? Good enough - had enough


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Re: Homo
« Reply #33 on: October 04, 2004, 09:15:53 PM »
It is un natural. What is sex or what it is for? It is to reproduce, two men can't creat a child and same with two women

I'm taking this quote, and will be heading to the Non-Bowling Misc. Section if anyone cares to explore this further...

Keep your balls on the lane and your mind in the gutter!
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep...

I wonder where they went? ;)