I saw a post a while back complaining about how cookie cutter all the staff ball reviews seem to be, them basically being here's a bunch of technical stuff that may or may not mean a thing to you and then a more articulate version of, "oh wow, best ball ever!" I'm about to write my reviews for the Sky Rocket and Optimus Solid, and really wanted to take those comments to heart and try to write a review that will be relevant. However, there are also a few things the reader needs to keep in perspective:
Just because the ball is good or bad for me doesn't mean it will be the same for you.
Technical information as far as layout and surface prep are virtually useless information due to a myriad of variables without any further explanation or comparison.
Staffers are usually people who are knowledgeable enough that they can virtually guarantee themselves a good ball reaction through layout and surface prep that works for them and fits their game. Every review they write could be the honest truth, and let's face it, everything looks good on a house shot.
So what are the things that you look for most in a review? What do you consider important information, and what do you think just clutters everything up?