A special meeting was called befor our Men's League last night. The president stated that there had been complaints about cursing and people being too loud. He went on to say that being loud was o.k., but cursing was not allowed, and that in the future, it should be reported to the sergeant at arms, or the president when it occurs and they will deal with it.
While I do not do a lot of cursing and for the most part, am not loud, I and many like me were blown away by this. Men's league, beer, bowling, being loud, cursing. I thought that is what men's league was all about i.e. having fun. My brother, who is a minister, and I, do not bring our wifes and family on men's night because we expect that loud, drinking or almost drunk, male bowlers to be around that curse, some like sailors, rather frequently.
Should I tape my mouth with duct tape in protest, like one of the guys did, ask that a meeting be called to set vote on a rule regarding use of profanity or just let it go. I would like to know how many men's league have a similar rule that they enforce.
Those that can do. Those that can''t complain. Pimpin ain''t easy, but it''s mandatory.
Most things we like, we don''t need. Most things we need, we don''t like. Don''t confuse your likes with your needs.