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Author Topic: Hook again and old urethanes?  (Read 922 times)

Gene J Kanak

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Hook again and old urethanes?
« on: October 13, 2003, 06:47:05 PM »
Hey everyone,

  Like many of you, I'm very excited about the possibility of bringing my stuff back to life with the Hook Again system.  I was just wondering, has anyone tried to use the system on an old urethane ball?  The reason why I ask is because I'm curious to see just how much life it could restore to a all such as the original Blue Hammer.  I've noticed that that particular ball goes as far as to change to a sea green color after soaking up oil and grime over time. I was just wondering if a ball like that could be brought back to its original, awesome workability if it were placed in the system. If anyone has tried this, please tell us how it worked out for you.
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