When the gutters aren't bouncing on the Cheetah (doesn't seem to be a problem with the new Cheetah, but definately a problem on the 08-09 season Cheetah), it's an evil oil pattern. In practice, I was able to roll my Mars over 4 at the arrows to 2 at the breakpoint and bring it back high flush. Unfortunately, I got stuck on a pair two weeks in a row in league where the gutters weren't hooking. I wouldn't even touch the headpin throwing that line because the outsides were so tight. Moving in, however, the pattern was jumping on the back pretty badly. I FINALLY found a solution I liked (and just in time, I had to win at least two games the last week to win my league championship!). I took my Dimension, a strong solid with a rolly core, and polished it by hand with Valentino's UFO extender polish. The less aggressive response to friction downlane meant the ball went a couple feet longer, and also rolled off the spot instead of jumping off the spot. I was able to move my breakpoint in closer to the headpin and play a more direct line with medium speed and a soft release. I stuck with this a couple games until I created carrydown. Then I switched to my Mars and brought my breakpoint back to the right a little, and used the carrydown as hold area. I never had to move inside and took the slick outsides out of play this way.