To my understanding, pba shots don't need to be sport sanctioned shots. Like has been said, the cheeta pattern and certain regional patterns have a very high scoring pace and do not have the 2:1 ratio that a shot needs to be considered sport. njv29 gave a good description of this in his reply. To add a bit, the TOC was bowled on a 50 ft sport shot and had some of the highest scores this season. This is just a testiment to the fact that while sport shots are taylored to a higher difficulty level, at times they can break down and be easy, easier in fact than shots with a higher than 2:1 ratio. PBA shots, to me, seem to try to highlight a player's versitility. They try to force a player to use multiple lines and angles that are out of the normal league shot. At times one may need a high level of accuracy, in shooting a simple line, a testiment to this is WRW with his 40 titles, but it seems as though the current way of thinking is to go less for this type of dead on accuracy and more towad versitility, a la Norm Duke who probably had the most successful year. (TJ was just better on TV, which is a crap shoot to a great extent.)
four fried chickens and a coke[/size=4]