Hahaha, funny Tony. This was a "See no, speak no, hear no evil pic. I was using the same pose I used while bowling on Saturday. Big Al was doing this for the photo, he'd never have his mouth closed for a minute, especially when he beat me and Oldschoollefty (Kurt Genglebach)
King, you are correct, I do use that pose when too many Hot Chicks show up, I'd hate to cause a riot.
There were no Hot Chicks there during my block, they all showed up after I was finished to get a chance to talk to me. The Hot Chicks motivated Big to get a check while Kurt impressed the chicks with the only 300 of the tournament. Those two cats are fluffy lefties that dink the ball about 6 miles an hour up 3. The Hose only cares about ThunderStrikes, Beer, and Hot Chicks.
Hey, at least my PBA average is higher then Steve Smith's
Another thing Tony, it looks like your site is down, due to Big Al's ugly face on there. Either that or too many Hot Chicks are logging on to see the greatness that is the Hose
Tell Smurf he owes me a drink from the Chick Fight.
Edited on 8/26/2003 10:57 PM