Okay, I made the move back to 16lbs about 2 years ago, and overall it's been a good move for me but I've been having wrist problems do to participation in other sports and I thought about moving back down to 15 so that I can continue to make changes with hand position instead of having to make a ball change.
Has anyone else experienced the opposite of what would seem to be the norm when making the change down? I average between 16.8 and 17.5 with 16lbs whereas with 15lbs my ball speed drops to the 15.2 to 15.8 range. With comparably drilled balls (Same make, layout, pattern) the 16lb hooks more for me, but only by about 3 boards.
I'm probably still going to make the move back down, but I was curious why I might be doing this when I bowl. I know the general consensus is that my ball speed and hook should have both gone up with 15lbs.
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http://youtube.com/user/Gsnap21"The framers of our Constitution believed that if the people were to be sovereign and belong to different religions at the same time then our official religion would have to be no religion at all. It was a bold experiment then as it is now. It wasn''t meant to make us comfortable, it was meant to make us free."