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Author Topic: Ball Reactivity  (Read 588 times)


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Ball Reactivity
« on: January 16, 2005, 02:42:29 PM »
I dont know very much about the ball reactivity so maybe some one can help. During league tonight im not sure what shot was layed down but in order to give my ball time to react I was having to slow it WAY down. I throw a 14lb Throtlle R. Would polishing or sanding or anything help this problem? I threw a 624 but I feel it would have been higher if I hadnt had to take so much of the ball.



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Re: Ball Reactivity
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2005, 11:53:39 PM »
Without knowing much about the way the ball was drilled out, the lane conditions you normally bowl on, your style of bowling, PAP and so forth, I'm going to hazard a guess that the oil machine laid out a little more oil than normal, forcing you to slow your ball speed down in order to get any hooking action out of your Throttle-R. Sanding the ball would help the ball grab the lane quicker and possibly give you a couple boards more hook, but ultimately in heavy oil you won't get a strong hooking reaction, expect more of a controlled arc.
