Again...simply take a brand new in the box Hyper Cell Skid...It will be highly
SHINY...or what some people refer to as "highly polished"...
Then bowl with it...On a lighter oil pattern...
Then clean it with alcohol...
You will NOTICE that the ball is not as shiny or as some people say..."highly polished"...
Then go bowl with it on lighter oil patterns...
And trust me...You will not be able to play the same line...cause you will
punch the nose...
Now maybe if your ball speed is 19 MPH... you might get away with it...
But someone 40, 50, 60 or older...who has lost BALL SPEED...won't...
And that sir...was the point...
Telling people it's ok to use alcohol on a polished / compound shiny ball is just plain wrong....All it will do is change the reaction of their ball...
It will roll up early and punch the nose...and if they don't have hand..and send it will hang...
All we try to do is HELP BOWLERS...And since we have been doing it for over 3 weeks OR SO....It seems to be working...
I have about 30 feet of shelf space devoted to ball cleaners, polish, compounds, and pads...
Oh...we do not stock alcohol...
Last I heard...Even people in Mayberry no longer have dial up...or use alcohol...
What some of these people here LOVE to do is PLAY with words...
Compounds polish etc etc...
It's simple...apply a higher level of polish or compound...and you will get more length...Reduce the will get less...