I don't usually ask such things, but what the heck. I'm looking to re-fill the fourth spot in my bag. The other three as listed in my sig are Times Up Pearl for dryer or burned up lane. Grease Monkey that is great for the light-medium volume I usually encounter at my local houses. And the recent acquisition of the Octane that I use for medium conditions to give me something a bit more than the monkey when I encounter it.
The spot I'm looking to fill was most recently occupied by the Yeti Unleashed. Essentially I want a medium-heavy oil ball for when I go to some adult/junior tournaments with my son at places that have a heavier house shot than I encounter locally. The Unleashed was very hot and cold for me, but the main issue I had was that I got the worst reaction in the conditions I needed it for; the heavier house shots.
I don't do (or rather haven't done) adult tournaments on sport patterns and such, so I don't really see a need for a heavy oiler. Never say never I guess, but usually those events are in conflict with youth tournaments, and my son takes precedent.
I will start the conversation by saying that I am eyeballing the Roto Hysteria. I really liked it's reaction at a demo I did back in October and that was at a house that has the type of heavier house shot I refer to. So it's a no brainer, right? Except I am suffering from paralysis by over analysis. Does this sound like a reasonable progression to you? Any other ideas? I have no brand prejudice at this time so any thoughts would be appreciated.