Just doing some thinking lately on this subject.
I have always prefered Particle balls for Heavy Oil, instead of Reactive. I have always gotten more overall Hook and Backend on Oily shots with Particle than I have with Reactive. Reactives (even when sanded) just slide and slide for me on Oil shots!
But now anything less than Heavy Oil, I will use Reactives and Pearl Reactives!
And with all the advances in Reactive Technology in the last 2 years... Reactives are becoming more and more stronger than ever! Roto Grip has mentioned the Peaks and Valleys in the Coverstock Formulation on their Cell line of bowling balls that actually grip the lane (similar to Particles) better than most Reactives in years past.
I have also heard others talk about how Reactives can now grip the lanes as good as Particles. And with all the talk about how Particle balls die earlier than Reactives, my question is... why are particles still being made?
Is there really a need for Particle Technology with these new "more aggressive" Reactives?
But for me, I still believe that Particles hook more in Oil than Reactives ever will (no matter what they do to the covers of Reactives)... for the plain fact that the Particles actually grip the lane better! Picture studded snow tires (Particles) versus Racing slicks (Reactives) = one grabs and one slides!
But company''s put out new Reactive balls every week talking about how well it hooks in Heavy Oil. And if I get on here and say, "How does it actually hook or grab the lane in Heavy Oil if it''s not Particle" ... I get slammed, blasted, smacked, stabbed, etc...
Sadly, there are very few Company''s that still produce Particle balls these days. I wish there were more!
But if this new "concept" about the newer Reactive balls being as strong as Particle balls in Heavy Oil is true... then why is there 2-3 Company''s that still keep making Particles for their Heavy Oil ball? Why don''t they just make them Reactive instead?
Is it because these 2-3 company''s don''t buy into the "hype" that Reactives work better than Particle on Heavy Oil? Or is it some other reason?
The following company''s still have Particle as there Heavy Oil ball:
AMF has the Mega Friction
LaneMasters has the Black Diamond
Visionary has the Ogre Particle
Edited on 9/27/2009 11:45 PM