The house I bowled in last year is the dirtiest center that I have ever seen. The bathrooms are that 1950's tile green worn out, broken, and with bad discoloration in the grout between the tiles. If the doors are shut too long it smells like an outhouse. The balls come back filthy dirty to the point that on certain pairs I had to bring my ball to a pro shop and put it in a Haus machine. It had a black dirt and rubber coating on it and you could not identify the ball brand even by color. Your shirt is all black on one side just from picking up the ball. League - 30 teams (3 person) - $10,000 to win + a 10 team (5 person) drinking league and 6 teams of ladies - NO WAITRESS. If they want a beer they will walk to the bar. Did I mention that this is a 50 lane center, opps!, I meant 46 because neither of the end pairs operate. There are not even scorers there. Snack bar closed 1 hour before league finished at 9:00. I guess that didn't matter much because the food was horrible. How bad you ask ... they put 2 pizzas out on the bar afterwards and an hour later only 1 or 2 slices would be gone. Free pizza and no one will eat it, how bad is that! They probably have between 75 to 120 calls a night. We had to move teams off pairs 21 times in 33 weeks, just in our league. The league President had us keep track of calls and after 5 weeks we had 75 calls on our 2 lanes. There is no head mechanic just some part time pin chasers but if they don't show up one of the owners (2 of them) run back and forth while they are bowling and fix things. Sometimes they don't get to bowl but say the machines are running good. None of the pins are on spot and on some pairs they are "not even touching the black spots on the deck". The center is every color (inside) but orange. None of the furniture matches or is in good repair and there is only 1 lamp working in the whole parking lot. Oh god, I just can't go on any more ... But

I & my team are not bowling there next season.
EvEryOnE rOlls OvEr thE lanE bEd