Here's the deal: starting about 5 weeks ago my "good" leg started giving me trouble. I might just be standing and slightly hyperextend my right knee - the pain would almost make tears come to my eyes. Then that stopped happening and I thought "OK, all is well." I took 3 weeks off from bowling to allow both knees some recovery - by last night things felt pretty good. Then, while bowling, I felt first a pain just below my knee, slightly on the inner part of my lower leg. Then I started getting some pain just above the knee, on the outer edge of the kneecap. By the time I got home I could feel swelling above the knee and the pain below had extended down my leg almost to my foot. That part is sore to the touch this morning.
Any thoughts on what is going on? I intend to call my Dr. when his office opens (it's only 6:45 here), but thought I'd see if anybody had a clue as to what is going on.
"A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal." Oscar Wilde
Ragnar sure likes to throw his purdy Uranium Buzzsaw.