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Author Topic: need help with thumb pitch  (Read 1189 times)


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need help with thumb pitch
« on: April 22, 2009, 02:10:53 PM »
currently i have my thumb pitched away half an inch with no lateral pitch. I have always had callauses on the left side of my thumb that wraps around the entire side of my thumb. I am left handed, so to be clear if u were to hold up ur left thumb so it is pointing up my callause is on the left side. my question is, only recently it has begun hurting, most likely because i switched my thumb to the half away, before it was o front to back with a 1/8 laterl out to the right. i changed because i could not clear the front of the ball no matter how much bevel i used. so my question is will increasing the latteral out pitch relief or add pressure to the left of my thumb.



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Re: need help with thumb pitch
« Reply #16 on: April 24, 2009, 02:25:27 PM »
Callous on that side of the thumb for a left hander is generally caused by excessive lift pitch due to the fact that the 1/8 lateral right is not quite enough. Change to 1/4 lateral right and your problem should be solved although 1/2 reverse to zero is alot as JohnP stated depending on span length. Might want to start at 1/8 reverse and work your way back as needed. I had the same friction problem of the thumb being right handed(which turned out to be because of excessive right pitch and changed my 1/8 left lateral to 1/4 left lateral and kept my 1/8 reverse and the problem was solved.
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Re: need help with thumb pitch
« Reply #17 on: April 24, 2009, 09:58:58 PM »
I had the same problem, with callousing.
I went from 0, 0,...
to 3/16 Reverse, and 1/8 left lateral.
Without seeing you bowl, I can bet you have late timing, late thumb release.
Are squeezing the ball to hold on to it, and are topping the ball a bit.

I'd see a coach, and have some video shot of your game, with slow-mo of the release.

Deadbait, is pretty dead on.

Hard to figure out what's wrong without seeing you bowl...or at least see your hand.
Duke Harding

"Anything is possible if you don't know what you are talking about."