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Author Topic: Is it just me????  (Read 1136 times)


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Is it just me????
« on: April 12, 2005, 05:55:52 PM »
Is it just me or does it seem to be too many average bowlers averaging over 200+. This year alone I've seen 170-180 bowlers averaging over 200.People that can't hit their marks more than twice a game now have the ability of having a 10-15 board area.I'm not player hating it just seems weird.Could it be an easier shot? Could it be the strength of ball? It has become a joke in the houses that I bowl to shoot a 300.Last week a guy bowled 170-89-300 wtf? The scratch bowlers that I bowl with don't even congradulate you unless you shoot an 800.I wish a shot was put out that would force you to hit your mark.I bowled in a tournament with the 170-180 bowlers who are now up in the 200's and they couldn't hit at all.They put a 45ft heavy oil flat shot out there.Man the laughs I had.Is it just me,am I the only one seeing this?I mean if they can "Tiger proof" a golf course,couldn't they do something in bowling.I hope I don't upset anyone with this.In the early days it was something to average 190 now everybody and their mother averages over 200.



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Re: Is it just me????
« Reply #16 on: April 13, 2005, 07:29:34 PM »
I was fortunate enough to bowl in one of your tourneys and found the shot and format to be both fair and fun.

The tout for the tournament was ,to be fair, dominated by the potential payout. This was no problem for me as I freely admit I bowl for the money.

I do think if the reward offered was to "beat the best" you would find the participation lacking.

I have carried a 200+ average 30 years and am no less proud of my average today than I was 30 years ago.

I have no desire to forego today's technology for the 'good olde days'.We all have the same equipment available to us and there is no $10,000 ball that can out perform all others regardless of ability.

I was in the business 30 years ago when alleys became lanes,gutters became channels and bowling was good cheap fun.With today's bowling costs the cheap is gone and the fun is forced to compete with other venues.The problem is how to make it fair and competitive friends go to softball tournaments and spend $100s of dollars to win a trophy.This is not true of bowling and I don't think it ever will be.

Golf solves the problem with a handicap system and it works mostly because golfers buy into the no cheat code of ethics.Most every golfer I know will voluntarily take a penalty when called for.Many high caliber bowlers I know think of sandbagging as part of the game.This is in large part because if they bowled their true average they would be severely limited to the leagues they would be allowed into.As long as leagues continue to pass rules restricting bowlers and teams by average this attitude will prevail.Perhaps bowlers should be ranked by ability as well as average and teams would be restricted to 2 AAA bowlers 2 AA bowlers and one A bowler with 100% handicap as example.

I myself, as I have stated, am a money bowler and my decisions are economy motivated.This is probably looked upon as motivation by greed and vice by many but it is reality to me.
I will have more free time this summer and hope participate in your tournaments on a more regular basis.That is of course as long as the prize fund remains intact.
 See you in the summer
President and CEO Visionite Stormy Buzzwick LTD

Edited on 4/13/2005 7:27 PM

Edited on 4/13/2005 7:31 PM


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Re: Is it just me????
« Reply #17 on: April 14, 2005, 10:56:08 AM »
Rackattack, my tourneys will definitely have at least the same prize funds as before, and hopefully even bigger since I'm seeking sponsors a lot more this summer.  I look forward to seeing you again!!!

I love the honesty, because quite honestly, the almighty dollar means something to me as well.  But let me tell you that I am not a quitter by nature (as you all probably know by now), so if I get my arse kicked 3 or 4 straight tournaments in a row and lose say, $300-$500 in the process, I'll work overtime in practice (costing me more money) and get in more tournaments until I knock that monkey off my back.

On the other hand, looking at Michigan Majors, I will probably never bowl that tournament again because I feel like I stand no chance whatsoever of ever cashing in that event.  And if I did, it wouldn't be any fun anyways because it is such a shootout.  If I have to average 245+ to guarantee a cashing spot in the tournament, it better be for 13 or 14 frames!!!  haha.  That is just too much about luck in my opinion.

To steal a line from Bones, bowlers like Rackattack are in the minority.  The sport should, however, be structured so that bowlers who do want to bowl for money have the opportunity to do so, and those who perform the best on any given day will win the money, thus profitting on the day.  This structure will allow bowlers to climb the ranks and hone their game to get to the level where they too can bowl for money!

90%-95% of leagues and tournaments should have no jackpots other than mystery.  This solves the problem.  Why does a 150 average bowler need to compete for money?  Those bowlers used to be the ones who bowled for the community that I was talking about before.  And if they want to get better, they can work their way up the ladder to the money legaues if they like.

Famous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"

Famous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"