I come home this evening from work, and what is on the porch, but a ball box ?? I say to myself, "hhmmm, I didn't order a ball!!" MrsRevs says "When did you order a new ball and why didn't you tell me ?"
"I didn't I swear!" I said.......she says in a disgusted manner "may as well open it and see what it is.."
Well, I open it! SURPRISE!!.....MrsRevs bought me a ball for my birthday! How lucky am I !?! I've said it before,....she's the best!

A Chicago Cubs Vis-a-ball !!!

How sweet is that ?!?!?
I guess this bowling obsession is taking hold elsewhere in the household

JEFFBetter....much better!
Edited on 3/11/2004 7:33 AM