okay now it really depends how far down the lane you want the ball to hook and how much hook you want,
are you looking for something super strong off the break point,
or something mild off the breakpoint,
it would greatly help if I could see you bowl or knew your rev rate, speed, and conditions you bowl on
but if your looking for something with a moderate amount of hook, and a bit later down the lane reaction the Storm Hyroad works well
so does the Nomad from Roto Grip,
Lunatic from 900 Global,
Onyx Vibe from Hammer
these are just a few suggetions to maybe look into or ask your shop questions about
most of these depending on how you throw can me moderate reaction or very very strong,
some of these I use on sport shots, or heavy volume patterns because I get a good amount of reaction from my equipment
if your looking for something stronger than these you will start to go up to things like the Reign from Storm, Bounty Hunter from 900 Global, etc. more stuff in that category
the Virtual Gravity has to be 1 of the strongest hooking balls out there right now, along with the Mutant Cell and other very very high performance equipment
look for something kind of middle of the road peformance wise,
look into some of the stuff I mentioned,
there is so much out there right now in this category thats its tough to list every single one