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Author Topic: how do I get faster rev rate?  (Read 4168 times)


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how do I get faster rev rate?
« on: February 03, 2009, 06:08:40 AM »
2 years ago Our bowling alley changed oil and ever since then I have been struggling getting my ball to hook!(lanes are very slick)

  I bought a new hammer venom in september and had it drilled at another pro shop because I can't stand the pro at our alley,after he drilled the ball for me that thing had some wicked back end to it at his bowling alley and was working great,I managed a 209 and a 210 just on the first few games.

So I go to my alley on the next league night and that ball just slid down the alley and took out just the 10 pin!

I know I am throwing it way too fast and need to slow it down,I probably throw it 20 mph easily without even trying.

But if I do slow the ball down and it hits the pocket it has no drive to it because I cannot get my ball to have enough revs on it when I throw it slower.

I have had so many people watch and tell me that I throw too fast and that I do not have any very good revolutions on the ball,any tips on how to get more revs while keeping the ball speed down the alley slower??

I have large hands and great upper body strength so I know I can do it but it seems to me I am doing something wrong on my release and I just cannot get it fugured out.

with the old lane conditions before they changed oil I was having some 240's 250's and even had a 290 but now I am struggling with a measly 171 average!!




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Re: how do I get faster rev rate?
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2009, 02:16:26 PM »
It depends on how you release it now really. Is your hand more on the side or behind the ball at the release?

If it's behind the ball, you have more options.

Hold your hand out at your side with the palm facing away from you, with your fingers straight down.

(Right handed) Now cock your hand towards your leg so the pinky finger is pointing at your leg and your thumb is now pointing straight down.

That is the strongest position you can have at the release point. If you move your hand back to straight down, that's the weakest (any more and you're throwing backup).

The nice thing about this technique is that it's an easy adjustment to make on the fly to accommodate changing your revs.

If your hand is on the side of the ball at the release, well, you can't do much to make a negligible difference. If this is the case, you may want to consider going up the back of the ball (which will take some time/training to get down).

Edit: It's worth mentioning that when you use a strong hand position at the release point, you are doing nothing with your wrist. You are simply coming up the back of the ball.

Most people learn to hook a ball incorrectly early on by twisting their hand or wrist to make the ball spin. My younger cousin did this when he was learning and said he wouldn't get as many revs if he came up the back of the ball (threw about 200 rpm at the time). When I showed him how to position his hand at the release and stay behind it, the ball cranked like a demon down lane and he was probably around 400 rpm (big kid, 16 years old and 6' 3").

The look on his face was priceless.

There is nothing so easy to learn as experience and nothing so hard to apply.

Edited on 2/3/2009 3:20 PM


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Re: how do I get faster rev rate?
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2009, 04:14:59 PM »
Lot of curls with a dumb bell like 5 or 10 lbs for reps, it will increase wrist strength and then you will be able to cup and uncup on release.

Reverse pitch puts more finger pads on the ball, that could help slightly not much really.


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Re: how do I get faster rev rate?
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2009, 04:25:49 PM »
Btw 2k abralon no polish will help your ball read faster, I have one like this and it always hooks in the same place like this. OOB it was all over the place and sometimes great and sometimes a turd.


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Re: how do I get faster rev rate?
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2009, 06:53:54 PM »
I do have my hand behind the ball but I can't say where it is at the release.(I have seen the ball spin like a top on some occasions)

My ball just skids the whole way maybe only breaking a few boards.

My fingers just don't feel like they are lifting the ball right,I don't know if my thumbs not coming out or what?(maybe gripping the ball too tight)?

I apprecaiate all the suggestions,I have to get out there and practice slowing it down and trying to turn it over more.



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Re: how do I get faster rev rate?
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2009, 08:13:51 PM »
You are not below the equator of the ball which is known as topping or spinning it, once below the equator the ball will have the dynamics built into it owrking for you through the core and coverstock.

To get more of that feel of lifting load up your fingers only and lead with the ring finger, it feels like you are scooping the ball up from the floor. Loading the fingers give you lift and relaxes your thumb letting it do it's job which is get out of the ball and letting the finger's do the work.

Bowling is a feel game, mechanic's will come with practice long and hard I used to throw 10-20 games a week when I was a newbie. Still put in 4 games a week of just practice, using new balls or searching for certain ball reactions I am looking for.


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Re: how do I get faster rev rate?
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2009, 08:09:03 AM »
Worked well at one center, but not the other, so we can rule out any issues with the drilling.

Sounds like you might want to try some surface adjustments first.

Also check out the US Bowler magazine and the article about reading the lanes in 7 shots.  Your center might put out a different oil pattern and you're just playing the wrong line.

You'll need to decide what exactly you are trying to accomplish.  Do you just want to make this ball work, or are really worried about changing your game - they are two completely different things.

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Re: how do I get faster rev rate?
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2009, 10:09:47 AM »
From se7en:
Edit: It's worth mentioning that when you use a strong hand position at the release point, you are doing nothing with your wrist. You are simply coming up the back of the ball.

How is this possible?  For instance, I am a left-handed bowler.  If I start w/ my ball hanging to my left in the strongest position, I have my ringer finger at 4 oclock and my middle finger at 5 oclock.  I naturally have to drop my shoulder a bit to maintain this throughout my swing.  If I continue to hold a strong position throughout my release, the ball would flare out as a backup ball.   Don't I have to move my hand to a 45 degree angle in the opposite direction at my release. (ie 7oclock-8oclock position).


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Re: how do I get faster rev rate?
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2009, 10:41:09 AM »
try to get the ball faster off your hand.. should get more revs.  also slow the ball DOWN!!  your proly not give'n the ball a chance to get in a good roll.

six pack

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Re: how do I get faster rev rate?
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2009, 01:19:49 PM »
# 1 late timing.the ball should be at or slightly behind your slide foot when you finished your slide.this is a timing thing and would take practice.
# 2 free arm swing.your arm swing needs to feel free of muscle.if you push the arm or force the swing you will be inconsistent and never feel your release at the bottom.more timing practice as I rev the ball up more with my legs then anything else.
# 3 the release.practice certain starting positions with you wrist and how you hold the ball.the more off to the side you start,the more side rotation you will have.the strongest position is a cuped wrist and the weight of the ball resting towards your pointing finger and thumb.learn how to lock your wrist and keep it there.over time you will feel that position and learn how to lock your wrist then on the backswing unlock it and on the downstroke right before the release come back to the same position.
# 4 VERY IMPORTANT! ROLL the ball with your ring finger.don't throw it,don't loft it,don't try to hook the ball,just roll it.and ofcourse follow through and good knee bend and balance at the line.
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Re: how do I get faster rev rate?
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2009, 02:35:56 PM »
I appreciate all the super advice!
I do put probably 175 to 200 revs on the ball but when you throw it 20 mph no ball is going to hook.

I do tend to strong arm it,last week I had two horrible games and then I decided on the last game to move left about 8 boards,let my arm relax and threw the ball a lot slower,I also threw across the 3rd arrow and managed a 206 with an open in the 9th and tenth(had a  8-10 split in the 10th!!)

Both of the pro's reccomend I get a dull ball,I was looking at the lane #1 agent orange or the brunswick maxxx zone,both are early hooking balls that hook up fast in heavy oil.

The only thing I don't get is when I talk to the guys at the pro shop I tell them to set the ball up for the max hook potential but they always want to see me throw the ball and then they mark the ball and drill it their way,Is this normal??

When they drilled my hammer venom it was sliding too much so they did scuff it up with I believe 1000 and it worked great until I tried it on our house lanes.


six pack

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Re: how do I get faster rev rate?
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2009, 03:24:31 PM »
the pro shop wants to see your speed,track and how and where you like to stand and bowl.after they see you bowl they can figure out your speed,track,tilt and rotation and figure out what ball would be best and the best drilling options for you,a very good idea to have them watch your game.
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Re: how do I get faster rev rate?
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2009, 08:29:27 AM »
From se7en:
Edit: It's worth mentioning that when you use a strong hand position at the release point, you are doing nothing with your wrist. You are simply coming up the back of the ball.

How is this possible?  For instance, I am a left-handed bowler.  If I start w/ my ball hanging to my left in the strongest position, I have my ringer finger at 4 oclock and my middle finger at 5 oclock.  I naturally have to drop my shoulder a bit to maintain this throughout my swing.  If I continue to hold a strong position throughout my release, the ball would flare out as a backup ball.   Don't I have to move my hand to a 45 degree angle in the opposite direction at my release. (ie 7oclock-8oclock position).

What you're saying about the clock positions seems right. I'm not sure what you mean by maintaining that having the ball flare out as a backup ball.

Does this video help? I know it's right handed but it applies.

You can click the video position when it's stopped to see it frame by frame.
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Re: how do I get faster rev rate?
« Reply #13 on: February 08, 2009, 06:23:14 PM »
I have a new brunswick maxxx zone coming on monday 2/09/2009,I need the most aggressive dull ball I can get my hands on!!

second,you guys are going to think I am nuts!

I had an old columbia alter ego ball and I spent the last few nights out in the barn just trying to get the ball to come out of my fingers the proper way.

I set up a backstop so the ball wouldn't go through the drywall and just kept practicing until I could feel my ring finger lifting first and the ball rotating the proper way.

I can actually for once feel the ball coming off my fingers the right way,I will know for sure once I get to the bowling alley.

I will let everyone know how it works out!!
