I currently bowl on a MENS league that has always had handicap at 80% of 200. Last year we had a couple of bowlers average over 200 and acquired a couple more that probably will. During the league meeting it was recommended that the handicap be changed to 80% of 220 to account for this.
The league has always had a MAX handicap of 52 pins. So if a bowler averaged under 135 they would still receive no more than 52 pins of handicap.
The league did nat address changing the maximum until some of the bowlers (the ones that average under 155) on the first night started to complain since they maxed on the handicap and felt that they should get more. I like having the max, but if we set the max any higher it wil begin to remind me of my mixed doubles team that started 180 pins in the hole each game. I always thought that the max handicap would inspire bowlers below that level to become better?
