I'm pretty sure I'm not squeezing the ball... at least not most of the time. But my thumb tends to shrink a little after starting a match, and knowing this I am sometimes slow to add tape to the thumbhole, and this causes me to have a slightly tighter grip on the ball. It's not something that happens a lot.
But when it does happen, it's usually cause I am so busy concentrating on a certain aspect of my delivery (like how much loft to use ---if any---, or walking straight, or how much lift to impart on the ball) that I completely relax my hand when it hasn't yet passed a certain point in the swing.
However.... I have never viewed my delivery on video. Frankly... am scared to see how awkward I might appear. Some day... I may get over that hang-up and take a look, but for now I would rather FEEL that I look like I am a pro when throwing the ball, then see how dorky my delivery really is.
I did go to my favorite house today and one conclusion I have finally reached ---and it's been pointed out in other posts in this forum many times---is that I am going to move my practice sessions to the house where I have more difficulty instead of having them at the "good" house.
First of all, are the reasons given my other posters...that practicing a shot I am already realtively proficient at is not as beneficial as practicing on the tougher one. But another factor is that I know so many people at what is the easier house for me, that it is nearly impossible for me to come in and work on something without some person ---be they relatively close friend or just an aquaitance---from coming up to me and being anywhere from social to trying to HELP me. I learn better when I can experiment on my own....usually.
Anyway... from this point forward, I intend to practice at a house where I am relatively invisible, and where the shot is not my favorite one.