The picture looks like a Donkee 3/4 horsepower spinner and the SK# looks like that is what it is. I have the 3/4 horsepower Donkee model and it has paid for itself many times. It has went up in price from the time I bought mine, but so has everything else. Donkee has a web page and you can buy direct from them.
If you chose the Donkee model be sure and get the 3/4 horsepower and the splash guard. Some people like the Vertex brand but they used to be a bit higher in price, if you get the 3/4 horsepower version. As to the supplies, I assume you are asking about Abralon pads and polishes. I shop around see who ships free and the prices for the most part are about the same at Buddie's and others. The pads are cheaper if you can find someone selling them 20 in a box.