I've recently had to rearm my arsenal due to the fact that I've had to drop from 16lbs down to 15lbs. So slowly, one by one, I've been replacing everything. One of the balls I had and really like was an Optimus Solid. For me and the way it was drilled, it had a very smooth, very predictable, arcing movement. So the ball I got to replace it was a used Victory Road Solid. I was told it would have very similar charcteristics to OS, just not as strong. So far that seems to be the case, except that it (the Victory Road) is stronger than what I expected. So I'm pretty happy with the change. Now this......
A couple of weekends ago I was helping one of my son's move and in a box of stuff he didn't want was a Storm Marvel S. I double-checked to make sure that he didn't want it, which he didn't, so I brought it home. The ball needs to be resurfaced, but with the exception of a few nicks it's in pretty good shape. After reading the specs on the ball it also seems to be very similar to the Optimus Solid. So here's my question. Would I end up with two very similar balls (the Victory Road Solid and the Marvel S) if I invested a little money into the Marvel S and added it to my arsenal?
Thanks in advance for any input!!