This is a question to most of you pro shop owners. I've been noticing recently that a lot of people coming into a proshop that I go to all the time have been wanting balls that will hook for them. Thats all fine and dandy as far as I'm concerned. The problem is when I go out and watch them bowl and their throwing the ball at 22 mph with like 5 revs on the ball. I don't care if your throwing a freaking ball that is made out of pumace and the lane is bone dry, the ball isn't going to hook. So of course when they come back into the shop they complain about their ball not hooking. So you tell them that they need to slow the ball down in order for it to hook. They go out and try again, and they slow it down but then they complain about not being able to be accurate, so they revert to throwing the ball fast. Not wanting to run off customers you try and help them out, but nothing seems to work. does anybody have any suggestions on what you would do in this sort of situation? and just for kicks and giggles lets say that this person is buying like 3 bowling balls a month from you (bowling family) so you really don't want to run them off as a customer.
Another question really quickly, I have a friend that is kind of one of these bowlers. and he's really been having problems carrying corner pins and 5 pins (go figure) is there any type of bowling ball that happens to carry really well for these types of bowlers or is it just kind of a thing where every ball is going to carry just about the same?
"Strive to be perfect, that is afterall the only way to become perfect."
"If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans."
Taken from Desiderata
Proud user of Columbia 300 and Visionary Bowling Products