A bowler in my Monday scratch league actually drew a crowd around him while going for a 300 game. Normally most members of this league are so used to seeing 300 games shot that most don't even notice until the game is announced overhead. However, this was the last game of a 4 game block and he was one of the last ones done. Oh yeah, did I mention, he was going for back to back perfect games? One of his close buddies made the comment that a 300 game is finally getting noticed around here.
I actually stopped to watch the 10th frame closely myself. After reracking for the first shot, he delivered a very-well executed flush strike. After reracking the second shot, he delivered a quality second shot that was not quite as poetic as the first, but still good. However, this delivery left a solid 9-pin standing. His buddy said it must have been a bad rack. Ha Ha. This person has a little history of taking too many reracks and unfortunately did this while in match play on tour, so there was a little insider ribbing going on.
How many of you still watch in excitement when someone else has a chance at 300? Unfortunately, I admit that it doesn't get my juices flowing like it used to when I was a kid. Of course, back then, if you saw 1, you were lucky.