Exactly right sir...But the point I was making is how it looks to the customer when your laying out their ball...
If you use their T C and it ends up with the pin 1/4" from their RF, and you move it.... They want to know why...and they think that it changed their PAP .. It didn't change. The pin distance to the PAP was changed...
Many times while laying out a ball, this has to be done...
If we were doing a layout with the pin 4" to the PAP, and after using the bowlers TC, the pin ended up to close to the RF, then by moving it 1/2" or so, we end up with a Pin 3 1/2 to the PAP... That was the point I was trying to make...So if after drilling they had their PAP checked... It would be 3 1/2" to the pin instead of 4" to the pin like they thought it was being drilled using that layout that said, put the pin 4" to the PAP...
Now that ball drilled 3 1/2" to the PAP may roll earlier than a ball drilled 4" to the PAP...
As you said, their PAP didn't change... The distance from the PIN to their PAP changed .
But if you are using their TC, the span and their PAP is the same... But when you move a pin or drill one out to avoid hitting it, you are changing the pin distance to the PAP.. IMO
Now you are right, you could drill out the pin...But that sometimes leads to a problem...If the ball cracks and the pin has been drilled out, sometimes a customer feels the reason the ball cracked was that the pin was drilled out.. So that sometimes opens a can of worms...What I see most of the time is that the pin is not drilled out... The rf hits the pin...And that's not good...
I feel it is always best when dealing with house bowlers to avoid doing this... If your drilling a ball for a tournament bowler, that a different story...
Qstick... The dist. now have a form letter from Ebonite stating that a ball drilled within 1" will void the warranty...
I believe they will give you a little tollerence of about 1/2"... As you said, maybe not enforced in the past, but that now may be changing...
Edited by jls on 2/5/2011 at 2:22 PM