Personally I think every scratch, and every league with money involved should be sport compliant, thats a big start. Around here there are way too many guys averaging 235-245 in the easier houses in scratch money leagues, theres no point in even trying brackets and jackpots in these leagues cause you gotta shoot 1000 for 4 just to finish second a few... high game at least you can win with a 260, but not often... but when I go to tourneys with these same guys and they put out harder stuff, they average like 210 or less and its a lot more fair.
I think 80% handicap is good for handicap leagues, thats how most are here, and for the most part its a good mix of average and good teams at the top, its all about who bowls more consistently over their averages with 80%, 100% is way unfair for good teams, I was in a league with 100% and our team finished last cause we gave up 200 pins per game every week.
Discounted practice for league bowers, yeah! I used to practice at least 2 times a week plus my 3 leagues, I don't even bother to practice anymore because I cant freakin afford it, at least give me 2 dollars a game at the least, I mean ill come shoot 5 games for 10 bucks to work on some things, but no its like 3.50-4 a game and it costs me barely more than that for league for 4 games, and I wonder why I don't have any consistency, oh yeah, cause I cant afford to practice even though I create revenue by bowling 2 leagues at the house.
I think those 3 things would be a good start, at least in this area for leagues, believe it or not, the majority of the big number guys here, like challenging shots, and still win out on them more often than not because they are legitimately good enough to bowl regionals, and all that stuff, we have a pretty strong bowling area in my opinion.
Just Keeping it Real!