Seems like a fairly basic subject to talk about, but there are several ways of doing it.
When you post your reply, please include your style - e.g., stroker, tweener or cranker, etc,.
I am a stroker, and have two ways or variations. My usual and easier way of hooking is to hold the ball flat in my palm (three finger grip), with palm up throughout the delivery until the last 12 inches or so and then bring my hand slightly around the ball, so that the palm now faces about 10 o'clock or more at point of release.
When I come around that far, I don't try to exert any lift on the ball, just relying on the natural release catching the finger holes as they exit the ball.
The other method I use is to not come around the ball so far, and to actually try to get extra lift on the ball by the firmer grip or purchase I get on the finger holes. My palm is only facing about 11 0'clock or so at point of release.
I favour the first method as when I use the second, I sometimes tend to drop the ball too early and don't get any (or very little) action onto the ball at all.
I have a suspicion that the second will generate more pace though.
Edited by aussiedave on 2/13/2012 at 10:17 PM
Edited by aussiedave on 2/13/2012 at 10:18 PM