There a lot of good suggestions from above, good links, good info. I would like to add what "I" do to try and find the best shot. This works well for me.
I always start on the gutter. I want to know of the gutter is sparking or out of bounds. I always want to know where the out of bounds is, if there is any, more than likely I will be left of that area.
If the gutter hooks, then I will try to play there for multiple reasons. One, carry is usually better from that angle, why do you think righties whine about lefties? They all play the gutter, and usually carry well. Two, most righties are afraid or don't like to play the gutter, or just plain don't know how. The THS doesn't teach people to stand on 8, look at 3 and peel it off of first board. So if less people are bowling there, your shot stays there longer, less traffic. Back to the why do righties whine about lefties thing again. Three, I love playing the gutter. I'm not great at it, but better than most righties.
Four, if the gutter is OB, then I know not to go there, then I keep moving left until I can get a break point that is away from the OB. Works for me.
Case in point. Bowled the Planet Bowl Doubles in OKC last weekend. Limited handicap doubles, three game matches, double elimination. Young man, Brett Erickson was my partner. In a bowl I hadn't bowled in since 2001, and heard many bad things about. Lanes played like a reverse block. BUT, if you squared up on the gutter, it was the NUTS!! We lost our first match by 19. Absolutely my fault, I threw 8 gutter balls on the first ball in the three games. Was having an anxiety/panic problem and I haven't taken my medicine in over 2 years. After I was able to calm down, I shot 730 in the next match and we won by over 400. I shoot 700 and 703 the next two matches and we win by over 300 each of those. Point is, NOBODY in the rest of the tournament even tried to play the gutter until this point. Storm Eraser Particle Pearl peeled off the crack like nobody's business!!!
(They re-ran the lanes when down to the cashers, which I think is complete BS. They fiddled with the machine, cuz there was a nice puddle in the middle. I could still get it off the gutter, but I think it was crap giving most of the rest of the guys hold at 4th arrow. We won 5 matches after losing the first one, and were up 51 after two games of the last match, but my man Brett struggled the last set and we lost by 4. I missed a couple spares too, so the blame is not solely on him. Brett, myself, and the bowl owner's son, were the only ones playing the gutter, with us just crushing everyone after the first match. Let the crying begin.... TD tried to mess with Brett saying he was fouling on every shot. Foul lights weren't on, non-sanctioned, none of the players ever said anything to me or Brett. Brett is a local kid, they ALL know him. Just BS. Probably my fault, I'm new to the area, and not in their click.)
sorry so long, wound up on Mountain Dew!!