Kathy in Pa.
Sat. would probably work best or Sunday because of distance.
Will consider an hour or so ride.
We used to bowl the old Scotch doubles tour back in the 70's. Went somewhere off of WhiteHorse Pike, haven't been there since,don't know if it's open anymore.
My son bowled a league in Easton Pa last year, right accross the river somewhere, don't know what they charged. He used to drive accross the river for work about a year. Can't think of name on your side of river up there. hehehe
As a teen, I drove all the way to Brigantine on a sunday just for a dunk in the ocean, got back late, wore smelly wet clothes I dunked into the ocean with to leagues. hehehe
Lots of towns have cheap buses to Atlantic City, are the showboat lanes still there? I heard they got rid of them. I've been itching to go to Atlantic City, for the ocean even if it's dirtier than some other places.
Heck, that'd I'd do on a week day without the family. heheheeh
Kathy, From PA!
Big mouth, loves to talk.
I wish I knew as much about bowling as my son.
He's not a bragger but mom sure loves to share his good times!