General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: Ric Clint on June 01, 2004, 11:25:08 AM
Okay everybody can play on a bumper shot or where there's hold/tug area in the middle and drier outsides... and so basically if you get the ball too far right of target, it comes back with no problem to hit the pocket... and if you tug the ball inside of target, the ball holds in the oil and still hits the pocket. And you can basically throw the ball like an ignoramous and still shoot 873 for 3 games.
But what about these shots... how do YA'LL play them:
SHOT #1 - Fresh Oil. Short-ish length (but not really, really short). Flat oiled shot from gutter to gutter. There's NO "hold/tug area".
SHOT #2 - Fresh Oil. Short-ish length (but not really, really short). Dry-ish boards on the outside 8-9 boards. There's NO "hold/tug area".
Me personally, I would play SHOT #1 by going DOWN & IN and straight up 8 board because if you try to swing the ball from like 15 at the arrows out to 10 at the breakpoint, then that's fine... but you'd better not mess too far right of target or the ball will "hang" and not come back. And maybe leave a washout. And if you miss inside, then you're gonna go brooklyn or through the SHNAZZOLLA no matter what because there's no hold area.
Me personally, I would play SHOT #2 by swinging the ball from like 15 at the arrows out to 9-10 at the breakpoint to bump some drier outside boards because if you go straight DOWN & IN up 8 board... you're not gonna be able to get the ball through the heads because you'd be trying to go up the DRY outside boards. And if you miss inside on this shot also, then you're gonna go brooklyn or through the SHNAZZOLLA no matter what because there's no hold area.
shot 1 depends on your style...personally, i think the best way to bowl on a flat shot is to go as direct as possible, and i personally would try to go straight up the boards anywhere between 8 and 12. when they break down, usually the track area dries up, and you get a wall from about 8-12 that acts like the outer boards on a THS...only less consistent. here i would strat moving left, using the 8-12 boards as my target area, basing it on the fact that the lanes should have broken down. the surface has as much to do with the condition as the oil itself on a flat shot.
for shot #2, this reminds me of PBA shot E. i have never bowled on it before, at least not specified as shot E, but a short pattern with flying boards outside 7 or 8 pretty much describes pattern E. here, i would take a very mild ball, maybe a barbed wire, and play from about the middle of the lane, on a very small angle out to about 5 or so, as far down the lane as possible. hopefully, the ball will glide through the drier than normal heads, going through as much oil as possible, before reaching the scorching backend. just like robert smith did last year, this should create an amazing entry angle, and would require me basically to move left little by little depending on breakdown. there shouldnt be too much carrydown for such a low volume pattern, and dry boards cant get any drier. again, the lane surface is very crucial in how the lane plays.
Erik Olsen -
2 things that I would need to know before throwing anything on these patterns you describe:
1) What is the length of the oil. "Shortish" is a pretty vague description.
2) What is the volume of oil being put down. There's a pretty big difference between 40 microliters/board and 50 microliters/board.
If horse racing is the sport of kings, then surely bowling is a very good sport as well.
Shot number one would probobly play best at the gutter. The gutter usually plays on shorter patterns and if it's completely flat the only dry boards are usually the twig because most machines don't cover the one board. So i'd play the rail.
Ron Clifton taught us a shot at the latest BES to play on an extremely short, flattish pattern that worked really well, if you've got some confidence. We needed this shot because all "conventional" philosophies crossed over without hesitation -- even plastic!! I'll have to check my notes to be sure, but it went something like this (for right handers):
- Started on approach at about 40 board (I measured off the wrong foot...)
- Targeted to 20 board at the arrows through to the 1 board at about 35'
- Use a smooth reacting pearl ball (I used my Sonic X drilled pretty mild)
The thought here is to use the characteristics of the ball to keep it on the lane and have it burn up a little on its way to the pocket. This may result in lower carry percentages, but you'll get it to the pocket more often than not, usually only leaving a single pin. It took some doing until we had the confidence to take it out to the gutter, but once there, the results were great!! Particles and stronger reactives are out for this shot because they'll start rolling too early or overreact on the dry and cross over.
Edited on 6/4/2004 6:57 AM
Thanks to everybody so far... anybody else?