Hello everyone! Tis the season, and I was inspired to do this by fellow br.com member directdrill. I made a post about how my favorite ball cracked and out of sheer kindness, he sent me out the same ball, free of charge. He even refused to take payment for the shipping cost.
Because of that good gesture, I made a promise to him that I would "Pay it Forward ". So here is my contribution to the BR community. I have a NIB 15lb 11oz Dynothane Energy that I am going to giveaway for free on Christmas Day, Dec 25, 2014.
I know it's a ten year old ball, I know it's a midweight, but hopefully this gesture to give back will inspire someone else to Pay it Forward to the bowling community. And while you don't have to give away another ball for free to someone, a small gesture to a fellow bowler just may inspire someone to restore their faith in the game. Maybe give a lesson to a youth bowler in your league, volunteer a weekend of league service to your secretary or youth league, I don't know.... be creative.
I will not pick a winner based on what you plan on doing to Pay it Forward, I don't even want to know what you are going to do to pay it forward. All I ask is that you respond to this post with the promise that you will do a good deed to the bowling community or a fellow bowler sometime in 2015.
I am going to post pics of the ball later and ship out the ball Jan 2nd. You have until 6:00 am Pst/9:00 am Est 12/25/2014 to get your entry in by simply responding to this post and I will pick a winner at random 12:00pm PST
Happy Holidays everyone and good luck!