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Author Topic: Why are ball returns where they are?  (Read 2172 times)


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Why are ball returns where they are?
« on: October 04, 2003, 06:07:57 AM »
Just thought I'd throw this out there.  Does anyone know the reason why the ball returns currently sit on the back 1/3 of the approach?  I can understand why they would in an old house, due to the location of the old telescore systems.  However, in new houses, why not have the ball return completely behind the approach with a rack underneath (that is accessible from both sides) for people to store a 2nd or 3rd ball without clogging up the return?  Seems to me this would be a simple thing to design and implement into new centers.  

Also, why are the concourse areas not designed to accommodate today's bowler?  Most people bring at minimum a 2 ball bag, more use 3 and 4 ball rollers, and several drag a 6 ball roller (or more occasionally).  Therefore, why are centers still designed and built with only enough storage room for an old vinyl Brunswick one ball bag?

After reading the responses in my "How would you improve your center" post, it is becoming clear to me the real reason why league bowlers are quitting;  The centers are simply failing to change with the times and meet the needs of their customers.


Why, WHY won't the last one just fall??  It's WIGGLING for cryin' out loud!!
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep...

I wonder where they went? ;)



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Re: Why are ball returns where they are?
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2003, 09:29:19 PM »
CHANGE that is the bad word. No matter what it is people in general fear change. Everyone thinks that change is for the bad. I agree centers that are being built should have some extra room. One think that is also not around much any more in centers that are remodeling is seating for people who are there to watch as well. Centers need more SPACE to allow for the extra equipment and seating areas.

billy sewell

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Re: Why are ball returns where they are?
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2003, 10:08:32 PM »
i thought the set up at the abc in knoxville was great anyone else think so?billy
life is short enjoy it.
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Re: Why are ball returns where they are?
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2003, 10:24:31 PM »
If you ever get around Wilkes Barre
Pa check out CHACKOS LANES.

This guy has the stuff.

You could drive a mack truck between the snack bar
and the setee area. probably 20-25 feet of WIDE open
Saws are made to cut ANYTHING including 10 pins

Ten pin?????? Where?? I throw a BUZZSAW there is NUTTIN left on the deck...

Proud MEMBER of the FOS!!
Member of the FOS, if there happens to be a 9 pin standing just toss a saw and cut it down~~!

Doggie the Dog

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Re: Why are ball returns where they are?
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2003, 01:34:04 AM »
Herein lies the problem- there are still lots of centers in business that were built in the 1950s-early 60s (my center included) that have the ball returns in the traditional location.  To move the return back would entail probably ripping up the approaches and moving back the powerlifts, provided there is space underneath the lanes themselves to do this. Extremely expensive- and the cost would be passed on to the bowlers.

Many centers built in the 50s originally had above-ground returns, and the lanes were installed on top of the concrete- making it financially unfeasible to convert to undergrounds.

My center originally had above grounds, and were able to convert in the early 70s- evidentally there was some space between the lanes and the pad on which
the building was constructed.

Houses built in the last 20 years or so are all level(most of them anyway) which makes it difficult for spectators to watch the action. This was done to accomodate the handicapped IMO.
Sometimes ya get chicken salad
Sometimes ya get chicken -----