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Author Topic: The talk tonight in league was all about the USBC - here's something we can all do  (Read 2194 times)


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and the proposed equipment rule changes. We all decided that whether we care or not ( most of us do), we're all going to write letters and send 'em in. I propose we all type up form letters to hand out to our league members and get them to sign and mail them in. I'll even make addressed envelopes to go around.

Any takers?
-- The way we see the problem is the problem.

Edited on 5/4/2005 2:08 AM
We Know What Bowlers Want

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10 In The Pit

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Mumzie, I think that you have a good idea.  If the USBC is blind enough to come up with ridiculous regulations, the only way to enlighten them is to blitz them with feedback from the bowling public.  If the USBC has their way about some of the proposals on the table, my bowling career will cease in 2008 when my equipment becomes illegal.


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do they have a comments submition bit on their website... you could use that?

try sending loads to


Edited on 5/4/2005 4:04 AM


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there is another email address, i think, that goes direct to the tech department. soon as i find it again ill post it.


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everything you need to know :


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They need to do something though.  They can't monitor lane conditions, so the only thing left is the equipment.  People are always wearing out balls and buying new ones anyway.  Rarely have I ever found a ball that I deemed good enough to keep around for a while.  I support what they're trying to do, but they need to figure out a way to keep it from wreaking havoc on the bowling community.
Hey, I am NOT Michael Jackson.  I like little GIRLS, not little boys . .

Rock on kitty.


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I still wonder whether they really care or not what the average bowler's opinion is on this or any other situation. I think they'd have to get 50,000 or more letters or email before they'd consider or re-consider their already formed point of view. No harm trying though.

I believe their bottom line is they think they know what they are doing, they need to establish their "power base", as they transition from the ABC to the USBC, and their basic response will be "you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs". We're the eggs.

This may seem pessimistic, but I've seen this too many times before in too many situations. Again, no harm in trying.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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What Charlest said.
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Couldn't they test these ideas first in some sort of "sport" bowling?

That's where I think they should start and the sooner they try this the better. The more information they get the better prepared they will be in order to confirm that this idea meets their expectations by 2008.

I think that's an excellent idea.  Modify the Sport rules to only allow label-drilled balls.  If that doesn't have an effect on Sport averages (and I don't think it will), then why expect it to make a difference in regular bowling?



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I've been busy moving and havn't really had the chance to read all the posts about the USBC proposals.

All the old timers on here probably remember me writing the ABC on an almost daily basis complaining about the scoring conditions.

Just to set the tone, personally, I applaud the USBC for having enough gonads to try something.

Previous letters from them have outlined some of the problems.  For example:

Lane conditions.

Does anyone really think the houses are going to abide by any new oiling requirements.  There are houses now that don't follow the minimum oiling requirements for a minimum of 3 units on each board.  There's nothing worse than a rule that can't be enforced.  Everyone recommends the houses run tapes before leagues.  Anyone really taken the time to figure out how long that takes, not to mention the expense.

Pulling a tape after an honor score might be a possible solution except for the way the balls pull the oil off the lane.  A lane could be legal at the start of the league but not be consider legal after a 3 game set.


Everyone complains about how easy the pins fall.  This is the one area that integrity has been maintained.  Since ABC has been testing pins, every new product that came on the market has met the same standards.  Increasing the pin weight to a heavier pin would lower the scoring.  Unfortunately the group that would be the most penalized is out bread and butter bowlers, those around the 170 range.

The only recourse the USBC has at the present time is to start putting limitations on the balls.

For the older guys, remember when the plastic balls came out in the 70s.  I can't remember exactly when but Columbia introduced a new plastic ball with the sparkles in it.  At the time, ABC didn't want to sanction the ball because back then there was a rule about additions to the coverstock.  Those "sparkle" balls were allowed because the sparkles were not in the coverstock but were imbedded too deep to contact the surface of the lane.

Somehow that specification got changed which led to the particle balls we now have.  Suddenly we now have particle balls with diamonds, the hardest substance available.  I shudder to think what that does to a lane surface.

In my opinion, the USBC is on the right track.  

Lets look at their requirements.  No more than one inch of label shift, no balance holes.

Stop and think a minute.  We all complain about the sandbagging.  If people are so low as sandbag to gain an advantage, why not drill up an illegal ball to help them even more.  

For those of you that have been to an ABC tournament, you probably noticed you cannot use any type of cleaner on your ball once its checked in.  Why???  Because the ABC officials have no idea what is really in that bottle of cleaner you are using.

The same thing with equipment.  During league, how do you know that pin out ball with the CG kicked out, big balance hole brings the ball back to legal.

With the new requirements, us league bowlers can look at the ball and have a good idea if it is legal or not.

Is everyone going to be happy??  No way, at least the USBC is trying to do something.

Had to laugh at an earlier post where one of the youngsters recommended that an * be placed in the record books to indicate the records were shot under different conditions.

Maybe there should be a ** for those like Sawbones that shot 8 300s in 1962 in the good old rubber days.

~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel

Spending the kids inheritance one tournament at a time.
Have Balls - Will Travel

RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones


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In my opinion, the USBC is on the right track.

I agree with SrK.

Most of my stuff is drilled 3x5 or 4x5, with the cg pretty close to grip center.  The most exotic drilling I have is 4 1/2 x 3 3/4, and those didn't need a weight hole. I guess that's why I suck, 'cause I don't have any weight holes...

Everyone cried that ABC/USBC has no cojones, then as soon as they try to do something, we jump all over them. Sad...
Cogito ergo bowl


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seadrive my friend.....

Everyone cried that ABC/USBC has no cojones, then as soon as they try to do something, we jump all over them. Sad...

The problem is that with this proposal, the USBC proves that they still don't have any cojones. Like you, much of my existing equipment conforms, and we both know that  it makes little if any difference.

So lets go ahead and potentially cripple the equipment industry (Manufacturers, distributors, proshops) to just prove that the USBC is capable of beating on their chest and making noise.

We all know that change is needed, but if there is to be major disruption, fix the problem instead of dancing around it.
"You want the truth? -- You can't handle the truth! "


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also send to this address


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I agree that something should be done. And maybe it should be done from this point forward, like they've done with RG and COR. But to make everyone buy new equipment from 2006 forward???

I know that I have several pieces of equipment with weight holes. Why? because I have small fingers - and small fingerholes don't remove a whole lot of material. therefore, weight holes have to sometimes be used SO MY STUFF MEETS THEIR OUT OF DATE STATIC WEIGHT RULES!!!!!

So, although most of the stuff I currently own is drilled fairly standard layouts, I will be penalized because of that.

My biggest complaint about the whole thing is that I will have to get new equipment. Currently, I own what you see in my profile. The NEW Smash/R - the almost NEW Firestorm. The NEW Speed Zone. the NEW Black Hammer original. These are already "old" technology that I use constantly. To have to throw them away because the USBC WANTS US TO ONLY USE STUFF WITH A STUPID LOGO is ridiculous. Does that include house balls as well? Do proprietors need to all buy new house balls with the USBC logo? or if I pick up a house ball to shoot a 10 pin, have I just messed up my 800 honor score???

I don't intend to throw away all that equipment in 2.5 years - I don't think anyone should. And - this also means that the guy who doesn't want to buy a new ball will have to do so anyway - just to keep shooting 170s. That's not right either.

The response I hear over and over and over again is that "we just won't sanction - we'll come up with our own rules and awards program". That's not exactly going to help the downfall of the sport, now, is it????

We Know What Bowlers Want

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No Fear

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I know the USBC just made a proposal....BUT!!!!....This proposal shows their mindset(that's the scary part)....How can anyone with any sense blame the balls!!!!....If not does not make any difference if it is plastic,rubber or a resin ball...If the lane is dressed with oil in such a way to guide the ball to the pocket....This condition was illegal in the 1970's!!!!!....And I bowled in the 1970's & If I had the same Help with the oil pattern I would have averaged in the 220's along with thousands of others even with plastic & rubber balls....THE USBC PROPOSAL SHOWS THEY ARE A CLUELESS ORGANIZATION....I have emailed them & written them & bluntly told them MY VIEWS....PLEASE DO THE SAME FOR THE GOOD OF THE GAME!!!!!