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Author Topic: Any good bowling games  (Read 1083 times)


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Any good bowling games
« on: December 12, 2004, 05:13:49 AM »
ok i am looking for a bowling game just to play sometimes preferably on the internet but if there is a system it is for just specify
when all else fails, go to your spare ball



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Re: Any good bowling games
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2004, 06:50:18 AM »
the best one I've found is for the playstation 2 called Bowling Xciting.

You get to choose your ball weight, starting position, starting angle, power and spin on the ball.
The only thing is that the transitions are a bit long between each throw.


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Re: Any good bowling games
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2004, 11:39:39 AM »
theres xavix bowling...but once you buy the xavix system and then the xavix bowling game its over 100 bucks but you do get a miniture bowling ball to throw and how you roll it determines how the shot in the game is...i havent got it though...someone else talked about it oonce on this site i believe.
"Joey . . . have you ever seen a grown man naked?"-Captain Clarence Oveur

Doggie the Dog

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Re: Any good bowling games
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2004, 10:38:53 PM »
I second the opinion on Circuit Pro Bowling.

Gutterball is another fun one- a free 10-game trial can be had at AMF's website in the lane equipment section. You can control the ball easily with your mouse, the graphics are adjustable, and the sound effects aren't too bad either(try the retro version- the announcer might have you laughing)

My in-laws have a game called Bowling USA on their computer- but I found to be fairly successful at it you have to point the ball at the left gutter for any chance at a strike, other wise the ball automatically takes off for the right gutter.
I AM Doggie the Dog, and I approve this message because I care about one thing-getting the leg up on the competition!!

Edited on 12/14/2004 11:32 PM