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Author Topic: How does your Kitty work?  (Read 4052 times)


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How does your Kitty work?
« on: May 04, 2004, 10:36:13 PM »
I know there are several different ways in which teams donate to their "Kitty".  I was just wondering what some are, and how if it helps your team perform.

I was actually thinking of a "positive" approach to this.  Something like if you throw a turkey, the rest of the team puts in a quarter - then they pay a dime for each one after until the string ends.  Maybe at the end of the game whoever does not make their average puts in another quarter.  I've played in some where you are penalized a nickel or dime for every miss, but that just seems to irritate you even more when missing a spare.  So, I thought the mental game would improve if you could make your teammates pay when you do well... Any thoughts?


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Re: How does your Kitty work?
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2004, 02:08:01 PM »
We don’t keep a kitty.

For 5-baggers each team member gives the bowler a $1.

The first beer frame of the night (everyone strikes but one person) the person not striking (got stuck in the beer frame) has to buy the first round the next week.

After that, the first beer frame each game the person stuck pays the other team members 50 cents.

If someone is stuck in 3 beer frames in a row they have to take the team out to dinner.


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Re: How does your Kitty work?
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2004, 02:24:06 PM »
I think our team has the most complex kitty out of all the teams that I have ever seen.  Just some examples:  if only one person stikes in a certain frame everyone else owes $1 to the kitty; if everyone strikes in one frame the people that don't strike in the following frame owe $1 and it keeps increasing so if everyone has a turkey then you don't strike you owe $3.  This is only a couple examples.  Roughly the average is about $13 a night per person that goes into the kitty.  Just this year our 6 man team got back $280 each.  If anyone would want more examples let me know.

Steve K
McKendree College Bowling Team


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Re: How does your Kitty work?
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2004, 02:26:03 PM »
Most teams in my league play cards. For each strike or split you get a card. Some teams have some added rules, like a beer frame you have to throw in an extra dollar, or a turkey gets you 2 cards, etc... My team does $2 a game.

Ernie McCracken

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Re: How does your Kitty work?
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2004, 03:02:44 PM »
We put up $1 per person for high game and $1 per person for cards.  High game is pretty easy.  High game, scratch, gets the money.  For our card game, you get a card for every strike and spare.  Cover a split and that gets you 2 cards.  Get a double, also draw 2 cards.  If you open or get hung, it costs you a quarter and that goes into the card pot.  Something we did this season is buy a different deck of naked lady cards.  Nobody was allowed to look at them until it was your turn to draw.  That gave us some motivation!
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Re: How does your Kitty work?
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2004, 03:12:02 PM »
Our kitty is pretty simple, and it pays well at the end of the season.

Get stuck in a beer frame, pay $2 (but this can happen only once a game)
If everyone strikes in a frame we all pay $1, this can happen every frame, there is no limit on it.

We also buy team 50/50 tickets and strike jackpot tickets, if we win on a team ticket it goes into the kitty.

We got back like $170 a guy this year.
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Carl Hurd

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Re: How does your Kitty work?
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2004, 03:28:11 PM »
Our team plays the poker game, each mark earns a card.

We also have Pass Five.  Each bowler puts in $1 and the leadoff man gets to hold onto the $5 until he opens, then he has to pass it on to the next man in the lineup.  At the end of the night, the bowler holding onto it keeps the $5.  Note, for tenth frames, a mark in the 10th counts so you hold onto it even if you open on your 11th frame.  And if the anchor man opens in the 10th frame of the 3rd game, it goes to the leadoff man or some teams will defer it (add it to) the next week's pot but we have a rotating team so we dont do that.

We used to do the kitty, pay a nickel on opens, earn a dime on a converted split, etc.

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Re: How does your Kitty work?
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2004, 03:38:51 PM »
Our kitty is fairly simple.  For our 5 man team, if 1 person fails to strike and everyone else does, that person owes a buck.  They can only be stuck once per nite.  We also have a separate deck of 10 cards that are 1-10.  we draw out of that deck at the beginning of the game and that card is the $2 frame.  Only down side to that is it is unknown until the end of the tenth frame and you can only get stuck once also.
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Rick Wunder

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Re: How does your Kitty work?
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2004, 03:53:28 PM »
One of my teams has a kitty.  The guy with the lowest first ball count each frame pays a dime.  If you miss a single pin spare, it costs you a quarter.  If everyone but one strikes, it is $1.00 for the guy who doesn't.  If everyone strikes, the house gives us $5, which we put in our kitty.  In the frame after everyone strikes, it costs each guy who doesn't strike fifty cents.

Another of my teams has a $2 per man poker game in which a mark gets you a card, and every strike beyond two in a row gets you two cards.  This a four man team, so we usually don't have a problem with running out of cards.

My other team has nothing - no kitty, no card game, no beer frames.


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Re: How does your Kitty work?
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2004, 04:01:59 PM »
We play one poker hand per game.  It is $1 to get in each game. If 3 guys strike in any given frame, the two that miss put in $1 each.  If 4 guys strike, the guy that misses puts in $2.
You get a card for every mark and you may hold no more than five cards.  If you open you have to throw one card back.  If you open the 10th, you fold your hand.  The last night we played with your cards facing up, and if you opened, the team picked which card you threw away.


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Re: How does your Kitty work?
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2004, 10:42:34 PM »
Our miss money (kitty) is all based on dimes (and one quarter).

If everyone marks, everyone pays a dime (for a star frame).
If four of five mark, the open frame bowler pays a dime.
If all five strike, everyone pays a quarter.
If four of five strike and the fifth either spares or opens, the four that struck pay a dime and the fifth pays a quarter.

We probably get back about $20 per person for the season.
White Dot
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Re: How does your Kitty work?
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2004, 10:45:45 PM »
here's how ours works:

miss a single pin spare=1.00
under average=1.00
throw a 6 bagger=everyone else pays 1.00
pick up a split=-1.00



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