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Author Topic: How hard or easy is your house?  (Read 4499 times)


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How hard or easy is your house?
« on: October 16, 2008, 02:05:21 PM »
I see all these 800's shot all the time.  I have 1 to my credit, but since my bowling alley has been up in the 1970's our center only has 14 total 800s. Do some of your centers have that in a year? Does anyone center have less than 14 ever?



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Re: How hard or easy is your house?
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2008, 10:41:18 PM »
My house is known for the pocket 7-10's.    Some lanes carry and some lanes don't.   I bowled my 300 on a set of lanes, 2 weeks later so did another guy on the same set.   They are the highest scoring lanes on average in the house.  

the house in the next town carries with ease.    The high average bowlers in that house average 10-30 pins less at the house I regularly bowl in.    

There is maybe 1-2 800's a year at the house I bowl at.  Maybe 5 300's?

Medium to difficult I'd say.
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Re: How hard or easy is your house?
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2008, 10:48:33 PM »
My house isn't incredibly difficult to maintain a 200 average, high normally is the two-teens. We on average have 1 300 game a year and extremely rarely we will see an 800, I think there has been 10 or so in the last 25 years but I don't know off hand the exact state. I do credit this to an extent that we have a small(er) community and bowling isn't huge, all we have is a 16 lane house with some pretty darn old lanes.

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Re: How hard or easy is your house?
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2008, 10:53:37 PM »
I think we have a grand total of 7 800's shot in our house in the last 10 years by 5 different guys.  It's generally not a tough house though, it does get a bad rap for being pretty dry, so most of the elite bowlers in the area bowl elsewhere.  But they've used more oil the past couple years, so it's on par with the rest of the houses in the area.

Probably on the easy side of medium overall.


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Re: How hard or easy is your house?
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2008, 11:22:39 PM »
We have one house which has 1 or 2 only per season...

The other house probably has 5 to 10 a year, but to be fair, there are several regional touring pros who bowl multiple leagues there, and it's known widely as the easiest house in town.
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Re: How hard or easy is your house?
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2008, 12:04:59 AM »
Our house was originally built in the late 50's.  As far as I know, only 9-10 have ever been shot in sanctioned league play, one being my 812.

  You can get to the pocket pretty easy, but the lanes transition a lot ( due to there being no airlock on the outer doors and outside humidity comes straight in the door), and the house is known for being hard to carry all night in. Maybe a game or two, but carrying all three games is pretty rare.

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Re: How hard or easy is your house?
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2008, 12:21:37 AM »
most of the houses here are very easy. there are at least 5 that see multiple 800s and 20+ 300s every year. there are a couople though that are tough. this one place has very old wood lanes. righties start throwing ultra high performance stuff to start because there is a flood but by the second game they are throwing plastic while the left side doesnt seem to break down at all. my scratch league i shot high series a few weeks with 660s
HG:300x2(SR300 both)289(sawblade)280(SR300)
bowling for 14years
18 years old
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2007 NYSPHSAA individual high game(300) and series(1411-6 games)
current arsenal:
rival, arch rival, dead flush,scout,
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on the way maybe.....the sauce, momentum swing,resurgence, or demension.
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Re: How hard or easy is your house?
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2008, 12:48:05 AM »
Our house is probably medium difficulty. Probably 5-10 300s in a year. I don't know if we had a 800 last year, but we have one already this year.

What makes ours a little more difficult than the norm is that there's not an auto-hook outside or deep down the lane most nights. Some nights are easier than others, sure.

I like medium-difficulty lanes. I've bowled in graveyards before and after awhile that will just beat you down. Cheesecake houses are just as bad, because you don't feel any skill is needed. Something in the middle is a nice mix.



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Re: How hard or easy is your house?
« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2008, 01:45:25 AM »
In my center, 800s can be as rare as only one in a year.  I've heard of 5 or so 300s shot so far this season, but I've only witnessed two of them.  There were also a 299 and 297.  I believe, of the 6 major centers within 30 minutes of me, my center is second or third hardest.  That could vary depending on style.  But in general, my house doesn't really give handouts.  There are of course your fair share of breaks but it's definitely not a THS, and I'm sure the other two difficult houses aren't either.


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Re: How hard or easy is your house?
« Reply #9 on: October 17, 2008, 03:00:10 AM »
In general, I consider local houses pretty easy. Many use minimum/standard oil patterns, only a few frequently change them or even put down true sport shots, and these are the houses that are the home of bowling clubs with teams in higher leagues.

That said, it is funny to see how much the oil pattern and volume does to scoring - the team averages van diffrer by 30, even 40 pins per player depending on the condition.
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Re: How hard or easy is your house?
« Reply #10 on: October 17, 2008, 05:07:53 AM »
My house is hard when its fresh oil. But after some games on the lanes you will se some high numbers. They oil it with the PBA seniortour pattern 1. A fair pattern that rewards you when you make a good shot and punish you when you miss your target.
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Re: How hard or easy is your house?
« Reply #11 on: October 17, 2008, 05:37:13 AM »
I can't remember the last time that my house saw an 800.  Its known as one of the tougher houses in the area.  The guy that runs it doesn't care if he has 20 300s in a season or a lot of high averages.  He puts out conditions that make you play the lanes the way they should be played and he varies it from night to night.  Sometimes they play straighter, sometimes you have more room.  But its unknown until you bowl on them.  Thats why I enjoy bowling in a 32 week league there.  There aren't many moon shot scores by sprayers.  The guys that put up big numbers are the better bowlers.

Yet this guy has absolutely no problem filling leagues or his lanes during open bowling hours...usually has to take names as people come in the door.  He's built a hell of a reputation and following by offering fair prices, good service and being one hell of a nice guy.  The bowling alley is Green Lakes Lanes in Fayettville, NY and the owner is Bill Miner.  If you're ever in the area, check it out.
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Re: How hard or easy is your house?
« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2008, 06:21:23 AM »
My house for most part was difficult to bowl in last year because the backends were not clean most of the time. They usually leave carrydown there from the night before the league on the next night. This year they're squeaky clean and there's been alot of high scores in my mixed league. Overall in the center (about 60 lanes) this season, there's only been 1 300, 1 299 and 1 800 series.

Dan Belcher

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Re: How hard or easy is your house?
« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2008, 07:15:52 AM »
Three houses this season...
Kingpin = carry is phenomenal in this building, lanes are only three years old and built specifically for good carry apparently!  For regular leagues, they put down a higher volume shot with most of the friction being from the 5 board on out, and it's a super duper easy shot (except in transition sometimes depending on who is on your pair).  Tuesday night we had 299, 288, 280, two or three 279s, and several 250-268 games shot in just the span of the 2nd and 3rd games!

Fern Valley = wood lanes, but in decent condition.  Carry is average to good depending on which pair you get, though the ringing 10 pin can get to be common if you don't play the lanes right.  Another super easy shot with plenty of hold left and dry right, but it isn't so bad that you get over/under.  Transitions are quick and brutal however at times.  A couple weeks ago, we had an 834 shot with back to back 300s, someone else shot 300, and a couple of us had 280s all in one night.  (Always sucks when a ringing-10-pin 280 doesn't win you any cash, but oh well)

Executive = old wood lanes, not in the best shape.  Carry is terrible here.  Unless you have a ton of hand and high ball speed, light shots do not carry the swisher 7 very often.  Ringing 10 pins are very easy to leave, and the flat 10 is by far the most common leave.  Very wet/dry with sloppy backends, I fight a bad over/under there all the time.  And even worse, I bowl a second-shift league there, so the shot's fried around the 8 board, and there's a bad out of bounds outside 5.  Before last season, we had only one 300 shot in the past several years in my Saturday league, though we had four last season, plus a couple 299s.  When they put down a different oil pattern for tournaments that isn't as dry outside 10, carry actually tends to improve for me while everyone else struggles, so I kinda like this house...


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Re: How hard or easy is your house?
« Reply #14 on: October 17, 2008, 07:23:12 AM »
our house is a little difficult.  on these new low friction Brunswick Anvilane lanes, the shot plays different week to week.  sometimes very wet/dry, sometimes drying out fast.  backends aren't as crisp as most houses so you need a little surface to help in that area.  if you could play up the gutter the shot plays out nice.  anyone with any hand, seems like the lanes mostly play wet/dry.  but now when they dry.....oh boy.  been several times the best look wasnt taking hand out of the ball, but playing 5/6 arrow.  alot of the conditions we are seeing is because of an old oil machine.  but, beginning of next year he has a new one coming and the pattern should be alot more consistent.