Three houses this season...
Kingpin = carry is phenomenal in this building, lanes are only three years old and built specifically for good carry apparently! For regular leagues, they put down a higher volume shot with most of the friction being from the 5 board on out, and it's a super duper easy shot (except in transition sometimes depending on who is on your pair). Tuesday night we had 299, 288, 280, two or three 279s, and several 250-268 games shot in just the span of the 2nd and 3rd games!
Fern Valley = wood lanes, but in decent condition. Carry is average to good depending on which pair you get, though the ringing 10 pin can get to be common if you don't play the lanes right. Another super easy shot with plenty of hold left and dry right, but it isn't so bad that you get over/under. Transitions are quick and brutal however at times. A couple weeks ago, we had an 834 shot with back to back 300s, someone else shot 300, and a couple of us had 280s all in one night. (Always sucks when a ringing-10-pin 280 doesn't win you any cash, but oh well)
Executive = old wood lanes, not in the best shape. Carry is terrible here. Unless you have a ton of hand and high ball speed, light shots do not carry the swisher 7 very often. Ringing 10 pins are very easy to leave, and the flat 10 is by far the most common leave. Very wet/dry with sloppy backends, I fight a bad over/under there all the time. And even worse, I bowl a second-shift league there, so the shot's fried around the 8 board, and there's a bad out of bounds outside 5. Before last season, we had only one 300 shot in the past several years in my Saturday league, though we had four last season, plus a couple 299s. When they put down a different oil pattern for tournaments that isn't as dry outside 10, carry actually tends to improve for me while everyone else struggles, so I kinda like this house...