There are about 4 bowling centers within a reasonable driving distance of me (20 minutes) that I would consider bowling at in a league. I've bowled leagues in 3 of them, and subbed occationally on the 4th. They are all pretty easy because I doubt the people in the area would like it if they tightened up the pattern because they couldn't see the pretty high scores they are used to.
Our experience league was fun though... It gave me a chance to start working on my game again like I had it up to when I was bowling JBT's as a junior. After I had to move up and there wasn't anything that made me earn it and repeat shots I guess my game got sloppy again. I hope they get it to grow in this area. Its the only thing I really want to bowl in....
Since it ended I've subbed at 3 of the 4 houses 7 times.. I haven't hit below a 600 series and sometimes I go 2 or so weeks without touching a ball.. I'm currently averaging about 218 by adding all of my series' up that I've subbed with from all the different houses.. The last time I subbed at house number 4, the lead off bowler on my team shoots 300, and in the last game our anchor shoots 299.. Disgusted yet? In our first game we as a team shot games of 300, 242 (me), 213, 256 for a 1011 one game total.... and we still lose by 30 pins...

I dont think I'll be subbing there much anymore.. The other 3 houses are much more difficult, but they still are easy for alot of you bowlers that bowl in the real tough houses. I like my little 12 lane house that has experience leagues in the summer though, and sport tournaments on sunday afternoons (but it gets expensive every week at $22-25 to enter - 3 extra gets u in pots).
I've bowled in houses where good bowlers struggle to average low 200's and 190s. I wish we had that here...