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Author Topic: How hard or easy is your house?  (Read 4501 times)


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How hard or easy is your house?
« on: October 16, 2008, 02:05:21 PM »
I see all these 800's shot all the time.  I have 1 to my credit, but since my bowling alley has been up in the 1970's our center only has 14 total 800s. Do some of your centers have that in a year? Does anyone center have less than 14 ever?



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Re: How hard or easy is your house?
« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2008, 07:27:45 AM »
I only bowl 3 games a week, but in the league I bowl in, in the last 2+ years there have been no 300s and no 800s.  Last year 290 / 754 was high.  208 won avg I think.

This year they seem to have softened it up a bit more.  6 weeks into the season 290 / 763 is high.  I would be surprised if there were no 300s all year, but do not expect to see an 8.  Of course this is a 5 man handicapped industrial league, so there are only 15 guys or so over 190 avg.  It looks like the house itself has 3 300s since Jan 1.


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Re: How hard or easy is your house?
« Reply #17 on: October 17, 2008, 07:32:01 AM »
not very many 8s if any in my house you would have to ask Bass if their has been any 8s at T&O Lanes. T&O is easy until you miss an adjustment once you miss one adjustment you aren't even close to the head pin and you gotta start from scratch. Once you find it again you feel brutally stupid for losing it cause it is so easy.

I think my Proshop guy Tim shoudl respond to this. I know he will read it.
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Re: How hard or easy is your house?
« Reply #18 on: October 17, 2008, 07:45:46 AM »
The house I bowl at has been around for a long time, there has only been 6 800's bowled in the history of the place and there might be on avg. 2 to 3 300's bowled in a year and thats with 5 league's a week. The shot is never the same from week to week and you really need to make adjustments pretty quick to keep up with the changes in the lanes as the night goes on. I think the carry is the biggest issue with the house. But I enjoy bowling there, it makes you think about and consintrate on your game to shoot anything good.


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Re: How hard or easy is your house?
« Reply #19 on: October 17, 2008, 09:04:48 AM »
I only bowl on one league and the lane patterns are very difficult.  Not a single 300 has been shot in the 6 seasons i've bowled in this league.

The highest avg. in the 6 seasons i've been their has been 191.

Edited on 10/17/2008 9:07 AM

Kid Jete

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Re: How hard or easy is your house?
« Reply #20 on: October 17, 2008, 09:08:32 AM »
We've never had an 800 and don't even have a 700 this year after 7 weeks.  Our house is small, in the basement of the Elks club but we do have some pretty good bowlers.  The shot has just been unpredictable this year.  Our lane guy still uses the spray bottle and mop, kinda cool actually.


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Re: How hard or easy is your house?
« Reply #21 on: October 17, 2008, 09:12:12 AM »
We have around 10-19 300's a year at the house Im at, and between 2 and 9 800 series', depending on how many league myself and a few other guys decide to bowl. This year Im in 1 possibly 2 and the other guys are in 1 or 2, so it should be an average year.
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Kid Jete

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Re: How hard or easy is your house?
« Reply #22 on: October 17, 2008, 09:18:16 AM »
While lane conditions do play the biggest role in answering the question, the number of honor scores shot in a specific house is rarely a byproduct of the overall talent level of the bowlers and the number of games the higher level players bowl in a house.



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Re: How hard or easy is your house?
« Reply #23 on: October 17, 2008, 10:23:47 AM »
i was just curious.  We havent had an 800 in 5 years at our 24 lane house. I took all of last year off and ive got 2 of the 4 700's shot in our house this year. We maybe end up with 1 300 a year, every once in a while 2 300s. We have some talent, but our shot is just unpredictable every week.  I just thought our scores are pretty low for some of the talent we have.


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Re: How hard or easy is your house?
« Reply #24 on: October 17, 2008, 11:21:26 AM »
I bowl in two leagues, a THS league and PBA experience league.

THS:  This league is new for me, but I have bowled in this house for several years.  The typical league shot is very easy.  The lanes are wood and have a lot of friction.  The league I bowled in last year had 24 5 man teams.  There were at least 14 and probably closer to 20 800's just in our league.  It is incredibly easy.

PBA experience:  The center has new Brunswick Pro Anvil synthetic lanes.  The lanes are in their second year of use.  The PBA shot actually plays a little harder PBA than regional tournaments I have participated in.
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Re: How hard or easy is your house?
« Reply #25 on: October 17, 2008, 11:25:38 AM »
I would have to put our house on the hard side.  I've yet to see an 800 since I've been bowling there.  Not to mention I've only seen 3 300s (one of them was mine in July).

I've been bowling here since March this year.
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Re: How hard or easy is your house?
« Reply #26 on: October 17, 2008, 02:32:46 PM »
We've had 3-300s so far this year.  Two by one guy and another by a no-talent lefty.  I know of at least one 800.

Overall, the house is easy but only b/c it is consistent.  Our maintenance guys keep our machine in great shape.  The shot is very consistent on a day to day basis.  It doesn't breakdown a bunch thru the night either.  Wednesday night I move a total of 5-6 boards for a 4 game set.

There isn't a bunch of miss room but there is definitely some.  I don't know what is going on with the left side, but there are some guys that aren't that good putting up huge numbers over there.

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Edited on 10/17/2008 4:22 PM


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Re: How hard or easy is your house?
« Reply #27 on: October 17, 2008, 03:06:13 PM »
It's funny how there are tons of 800's and 300's per year, but 90% of the guys on here claim their house is fairly hard.  

The house I bowl in only had 1 800 in the past 10 years...but that is due to the fact that most of the really good bowlers in the area bowl at a different center.  So maybe your house has very few 800's because your house has very few good bowlers????


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Re: How hard or easy is your house?
« Reply #28 on: October 17, 2008, 03:54:15 PM »
I would say the house I bowl both leagues in would be medium, they change the patterns every 4-6 weeks during the year.  It is a 32 lane house and last year I think their were 3 or 4 300's and 1-800 shot.  

Currently this year after 8 weeks of league we have 1-300 and no 800's.



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Re: How hard or easy is your house?
« Reply #29 on: October 17, 2008, 04:10:14 PM »
welcome to farmingdale

farmingdale lanes on long island, NY is the toughest
Better Lucky than good.


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Re: How hard or easy is your house?
« Reply #30 on: October 17, 2008, 05:46:25 PM »
There are about 4 bowling centers within a reasonable driving distance of me (20 minutes) that I would consider bowling at in a league.  I've bowled leagues in 3 of them, and subbed occationally on the 4th.   They are all pretty easy because I doubt the people in the area would like it if they tightened up the pattern because they couldn't see the pretty high scores they are used to.  

Our experience league was fun though...  It gave me a chance to start working on my game again like I had it up to when I was bowling JBT's as a junior.  After I had to move up and there wasn't anything that made me earn it and repeat shots I guess my game got sloppy again.  I hope they get it to grow in this area.  Its the only thing I really want to bowl in....

Since it ended I've subbed at 3 of the 4 houses 7 times..  I haven't hit below a 600 series and sometimes I go 2 or so weeks without touching a ball..  I'm currently averaging about 218 by adding all of my series' up that I've subbed with from all the different houses..  The last time I subbed at house number 4, the lead off bowler on my team shoots 300, and in the last game our anchor shoots 299..  Disgusted yet?  In our first game we as a team shot games of 300, 242 (me), 213, 256  for a 1011 one game total.... and we still lose by 30 pins...

I dont think I'll be subbing there much anymore..  The other 3 houses are much more difficult, but they still are easy for alot of you bowlers that bowl in the real tough houses.   I like my little 12 lane house that has experience leagues in the summer though, and sport tournaments on sunday afternoons (but it gets expensive every week at $22-25 to enter - 3 extra gets u in pots).

I've bowled in houses where good bowlers struggle to average low 200's and 190s.  I wish we had that here...

