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Author Topic: How I know the THS is an absolute joke  (Read 8927 times)


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How I know the THS is an absolute joke
« on: October 04, 2008, 09:07:42 AM »
I finally got a chance to bowl today after a nearly 2 month layoff due to school.

Me and my father went to practice, bowled about 10 minutes of practice, then bowled for score.

First game I went 9- 9- then threw 9 in a row, on a burnt up THS that was bowled on by a youth league early in the morning.

255 first game out there door, then ran into some sick carry issues due to the extreme lack of oil, but nevertheless. It was after this that I greatly missed my PBA League over the summer lol.



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Re: How I know the THS is an absolute joke
« Reply #16 on: October 04, 2008, 10:33:49 PM »
Exactly. And yes, I did miss spares, Im not going to deny it, its called rust, I took 2 months off. It happens.

No I didn't get lucky throwing 9 in a row, I was in the pocket on all 9 shots.

The point still stands, I should not be able to string 9 in a row on my first outing in 2 months, and hit the pocket consistently.


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Re: How I know the THS is an absolute joke
« Reply #17 on: October 04, 2008, 10:46:42 PM »
I dont know if anyone has noticed this before but after bowling on any tight PBA/Sportlike condition for an extended period of time that you naturally become more accurate. You being to look at single boards instead of an area of 5 boards...

Then when you actually have 5+ boards to get to the pocket your on a THS and it's easy.

Missing spares--yes, rust.

But your mind and body are still used to the Sport like pattern.


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Re: How I know the THS is an absolute joke
« Reply #18 on: October 04, 2008, 10:54:31 PM »
I agree, I didn't see a THS for the entire summer. The last time I can recall bowling on a THS before this morning was some time in May.


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Re: How I know the THS is an absolute joke
« Reply #19 on: October 04, 2008, 11:10:27 PM »
The other thing to consider is that his first game may have been the result of relying strictly on muscle memory, having "forgotten" all of the bad habits over the summer.
I find that if I have to step away for a period of time, my first couple of games back are more natural because I am not trying to force it or make adjustments.
Anyway, I also have to agree with Charlest that one good game with 9 in a row does not make the THS too easy, even with a 2 month layoff. From a statistical standpoint, the sample set is just too small to make such inferences.
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Re: How I know the THS is an absolute joke
« Reply #20 on: October 04, 2008, 11:13:47 PM »
Exactly. And yes, I did miss spares, Im not going to deny it, its called rust, I took 2 months off. It happens.

No I didn't get lucky throwing 9 in a row, I was in the pocket on all 9 shots.

The point still stands, I should not be able to string 9 in a row on my first outing in 2 months, and hit the pocket consistently.

Why shouldn't you be able to string 9 in a row?? Its not like you haven't bowled in a year or two, two months isnt that long of a layoff... Sometimes your body needs a rest and once it recovers, you just have to get back into things
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Re: How I know the THS is an absolute joke
« Reply #21 on: October 04, 2008, 11:14:04 PM »
Ill get a more definitve answer tomorrow, since Im going to practice in the morning, when they oil for the 2 Sunday morning leagues they run, with many open lanes in between.


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Re: How I know the THS is an absolute joke
« Reply #22 on: October 04, 2008, 11:19:30 PM »
Not trying to egg this on, but you can't claim the accuracy boost from bowling on hard shots during the summer (being able to hit a single board) then immediately claim rust when you flag a single pin by an arrow.
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Re: How I know the THS is an absolute joke
« Reply #23 on: October 04, 2008, 11:31:52 PM »
Maybe it's just me, but I'm missing the point of this thread.  Why shouldn't you be able to come back after a relatively short layoff and be able to hit the pocket a bunch on a soft condition?  Sometimes a break like that is the best thing one can do.  You didn't forget how to bowl.  

I'm not going to flame you for your post, but I can understand why others did.  They read your comments on how easy a THS is, and then read your profile and see that you don't have a sanctioned 300, or a huge series.

My advice to you would be to continue practicing and getting better so you can take even more advantage of your THS.  One good game after a short layoff doesn't mean that you're good or bad, or that the shot was too easy.  

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Edited on 10/4/2008 11:33 PM
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Re: How I know the THS is an absolute joke
« Reply #24 on: October 05, 2008, 07:35:47 AM »
I love you crowned everyone says the same thing I did but I am the only one that gets s h i t for it because you are a moron. I do bowl regionals I am not the greatest and dont claim to be but I am working on my game and not by whining about soft conditions how about you try to splice an arrow instead of saying its easy I will just throw it to the right and hope it comes back. I will leave your friend alone he doesnt deserve the crap being thrown at him you do.


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Re: How I know the THS is an absolute joke
« Reply #25 on: October 05, 2008, 08:38:13 AM »
There were only two of you on a second shift shot.

If you were bowling with seven other people on a fresh THS it would be different. You probably were just able to line up and go because no one was there to mess with your line.

The typical THS is a pretty easy forgiving shot but if you were as good as you think you are you would be able to carry on those pocket shots.

Carry happens from hitting the pocket correctly. Its not some magic that just happens. Anyone can hit the pocket that is not the tough part.

Just my two cents.


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Re: How I know the THS is an absolute joke
« Reply #26 on: October 05, 2008, 08:52:40 AM »
What is a THS anyway? A walled shot... a shot that "makes" every ball hit the pocket... no matter where you missed and how far you missed?

I play a "THS" that doesn't forgive anything... the question there for me is not how to carry... but how to actually make it to the pocket

Being not the best bowler... I am happy to manage a 175 average there right now (though I am getting closer )

The other house here in the city where I live is new... has brand new lanes with squeaky clean and gripping backends... combined with an extremly walled shot... all you have to worry there is to sent it too far (it will burn in the dry zone ) anything else... pocket.
Carry is the trick ... not that much but it is..
I managed a 198 average there so far.

Talking about easy oil and tricky oil... I think and it is my oppinion that it is more satisfying to score good on a tricky oil and knowing what I have achieved than getting a high score so easy.

my 0.02
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Re: How I know the THS is an absolute joke
« Reply #27 on: October 05, 2008, 09:34:53 AM »
I wouldn't exactly equate open bowling conditions to a league THS.

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Re: How I know the THS is an absolute joke
« Reply #28 on: October 05, 2008, 10:33:03 AM »
Aren't the houses in business to make money? Happy bowlers spend money. If the shots aren't easy then everyone is whining and out searching for a better (easier) house to bowl in.

I think we need to accept the fact that typical house patterns NEED to be easy so the majority of bowlers leave with a good feeling because their scores were good. If they are too easy for someone's taste then I challenge them to average as high as they possibly can.

For example, if you're a 210 bowler then try to average 230 for a year. You'll find that week in and week out it still takes some talent and the ability to adjust because sometimes (even on a THS) things don't work out perfectly, and you'll leave the bowling center scratching your head and wondering why you didn't shoot 700.

We can b*tch and moan all we want but I doubt it will change anything. Like others have suggested, there are PBA and Sport Leagues available to those to want the more demanding conditions.

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Re: How I know the THS is an absolute joke
« Reply #29 on: October 05, 2008, 12:46:51 PM »
I definately wasn't claiming the accuracy boost from the PBA shots entirely, because I was definately less accurate than normal, but I could tell there was still a difference from pre-summer bowling.

Your right, I should be able to string 9 in a row on a soft shot(which I did again this morning on a league THS), the point is that the shot shouldn't be so soft that I am able to do that on my first game in 2 months.

I miss bowling league, I wish I could bowl every week, will have to wait for my winter 2 months off so I can get back into real shape for the local tournament that runs around here at New Year's

Edited on 10/5/2008 12:47 PM


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Re: How I know the THS is an absolute joke
« Reply #30 on: October 05, 2008, 01:04:29 PM »
It could not be that soft for you if you could only manage one game over 200.

You are complaining with no cause to complain.

You weren't even bowling a true THS you were on a second shift.

Bowl extremely well for three games every week for a year on a fresh THS then you can complain about how easy it is.

And I am talking about a 230-240 average.