
General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: RevZiLLa on June 20, 2004, 08:31:22 AM

Title: How long does it take you to recover
Post by: RevZiLLa on June 20, 2004, 08:31:22 AM
When someone like me destroys you, how long does it take for your ego to recover?

One of the guys I bowl with told me I don't have to humiliate everyone I am matched against. I think he is dead wrong. It's a sport, right? Play to win and don't hold back. If you don't want to compete, bowl COSMIC!

Am I wrong to enjoy the carnage?
Sounds like a freight train
Churning down the lane
Making pins fall like rain
And opponents writhe in pain
Title: Re: How long does it take you to recover
Post by: RevZiLLa on June 20, 2004, 11:34:39 PM
RevMonster is a Kandyasss. Someone wipe his nose and send him home
Sounds like a freight train
Churning down the lane
Making pins fall like rain
And opponents writhe in pain
Title: Re: How long does it take you to recover
Post by: RevZiLLa on June 21, 2004, 01:14:10 AM

Good to see someone with competitive GUTS. Have you ever kicked anyone's tail so bad you got brown toes?
Sounds like a freight train
Churning down the lane
Making pins fall like rain
And opponents writhe in pain
Title: Re: How long does it take you to recover
Post by: mumzie on June 21, 2004, 01:36:04 PM
Rev Zilla - you aren't going to destroy me.
Beat me on the lanes by way of lucky breaks, maybe.
Destroy me - ain't no way.
I've raised 4 boys and lived to tell about it.
I am a MOM. I can do anything.
Ability is what you're capable of doing.
Motivation determines what you do.
Attitude determines how well you do it.
 - Lou Holtz
Title: Re: How long does it take you to recover
Post by: 9andaWiggle on June 21, 2004, 01:44:24 PM
One of the guys I bowl with told me I don't have to humiliate everyone I am matched against. I think he is dead wrong.

I agree!  Crush them all like ants!  Nothing I hate worse than watching a football game where the leading team lays down so as not to "run the score up" on the opponent.   Score as many points as you can, when you can.  Never lay down.  Mercy is for the weak!

One Sick Puppy!
Title: Re: How long does it take you to recover
Post by: Smash49 on June 21, 2004, 02:11:34 PM
Normally when a guy that averages a buck 30 beats me I feel a little upset.  I get over it.  Either they bowled out of their mind (good for them) or I bowled bad and deserved it.   No one intimidates me.  I've bowled with and against some very very good bowlers.  Many of them are or have been tour players.  Leave the ego at the door and shoe up.  If I get beat I get beat.  If I win I win.  

Bowler's Slide Sock: Simply the finest slide product on the planet!  This sock will make you want to throw everything else away!
Title: Re: How long does it take you to recover
Post by: T Brockette on June 21, 2004, 02:30:00 PM
That's right, shoe up and don't forget to use your
Bowlers slide sock. Isn't that right, Smash.
If you want to play, train your body.
If you want to win, train your heart.
Title: Re: How long does it take you to recover
Post by: RevZiLLa on June 21, 2004, 03:11:48 PM

You are one sick puppy all right!

         Posted: 6/21/2004 1:44 PM    

One of the guys I bowl with told me I don't have to humiliate everyone I am matched against. I think he is dead wrong.

I agree! Crush them all like ants! Nothing I hate worse than watching a football game where the leading team lays down so as not to "run the score up" on the opponent. Score as many points as you can, when you can. Never lay down. Mercy is for the weak!

One Sick Puppy!


Personally, I like the way ants crunch when you crush them.
Sounds like a freight train
Churning down the lane
Making pins fall like rain
And opponents writhe in pain
Title: Re: How long does it take you to recover
Post by: smash9 on June 21, 2004, 03:56:13 PM
It depends if I use my ROBO-WRIST (see separate post) or not.  Usually I can bowl the next day if I use my ROBO-WRIST. If not, then I have to wait a day or two because then my wrist gets pretty sore.
Title: Re: How long does it take you to recover
Post by: Borincano on June 21, 2004, 04:55:51 PM
I really do not care about the score or by how much anybody beats me. I just learn
 from that game but I have found out that when I get back to them. Then they feel destroyed and do not want to play again. So it is all about how you take the game. I have fun bowling and that it is all I need.

Like they say, "If you cannot stand the heat. Get out of the kitchen."
Title: Re: How long does it take you to recover
Post by: 300GameBowler on June 21, 2004, 09:35:04 PM
i looked at the topic title, and i thought this was an adult post. lol
Title: Re: How long does it take you to recover
Post by: Walking E on June 21, 2004, 09:41:37 PM
It depends, RevZilla. Are you someone who takes yourself way too seriously (e.g. insisting on 2-lane courtesy when the league is 1-lane, never smiling, getting mad at your teammates, etc.?). If that's the case then I probably wouldn't lose to you, because I LOVE beating bowlers who take themselves too seriously.
Otherwise I'd say it takes me one week, which is what it took for me to get over getting thumped by Mark Baker last year.
It didn't help that I was watching the tour that week and they flashed back to an old US Open telecast of Mark Baker in the title game. Then two days later I sub in my friend's match point league and guess who I'm bowling? Mark Baker.
I was a wreck. I was throwing the ball terrible, I was tight, I was squeezing the death out of my ball, and consequently I lost my first three games. Even Mark said something to me like "Relax". Then the last game Mark misses two or three 10-pins and I manage to beat him by 20 sticks, which taught me that he's human just like me. THAT was the best lesson I could learn - don't be intimidated by your opponent.
The following week I matched up against PBA Hall of Famer Barry Asher and we split four games. They were all great games -- we each had the lead and lost the game at the end, but they were all good games and I was confident and relaxed the whole time. Losing the week before made all the difference, because I recognized that I had lost to Mark Baker before I ever threw a ball.
Of course, next time I bowl Mark Baker he'll have a better night and kick my tail by 50 sticks a game, but that'll be another story!!
You weren't unlucky when you left that corner pin, so shut up about it already!!
Title: Re: How long does it take you to recover
Post by: RevZiLLa on June 21, 2004, 10:06:23 PM
A game is built one shot at a time. The strike I threw last frame is in the past. The rack I will shred next frame is not in front of me now. There is only this shot right now...even the thunderous impact of this shot is unimportant once it has already been delivered.

The time in between shots is spent enjoying my friends and allowing the ladies to bask in the light...and feeling and hearing the satisfying "CrUncH" of the ants as they are smashed.
Sounds like a freight train
Churning down the lane
Making pins fall like rain
And opponents writhe in pain
Title: Re: How long does it take you to recover
Post by: Smash49 on June 22, 2004, 07:52:45 PM

Every well known destroyer of ego's should have one and be fashionable.

Bowler's Slide Sock: Simply the finest slide product on the planet!  This sock will make you want to throw everything else away!
Title: Re: How long does it take you to recover
Post by: RevZiLLa on June 24, 2004, 05:26:27 PM
Do you go home after bowling and crawl crying into the back of the closet and crouch down huddled in the dark and rock yourself back and forth?

Dr Z prescribes a bigger dose of handicap for you
Sounds like a freight train
Churning down the lane
Making pins fall like rain
And opponents writhe in pain
Title: Re: How long does it take you to recover
Post by: janderson on June 24, 2004, 05:39:22 PM
About as much time as it takes me to blink.

When there's money on the line, my goal is to beat you by 300 pins.  Your goal should be the same.

Kill the back row (or maybe this should read "make your spares, dummy")
Title: Re: How long does it take you to recover
Post by: Overhand on June 24, 2004, 06:05:35 PM
A game is built one shot at a time. The strike I threw last frame is in the past. The rack I will shred next frame is not in front of me now.

...but a washout in the tenth lasts forever, eh Rev?
The engine roared as the front wheel left the pavement. The squirrel screamed in anger. The Valkyrie screamed in ecstasy. I screamed in…well…I just plain screamed.
Title: Re: How long does it take you to recover
Post by: Scolai on June 24, 2004, 11:54:00 PM
Sounds like a freight train
Churning down the lane
Making pins fall like rain
And opponents writhe in pain

RevZiLLa = no poet

If horse racing is the sport of kings, then surely bowling is a very good sport as well.
Title: Re: How long does it take you to recover
Post by: Phillip Marlowe on June 25, 2004, 06:32:03 PM
I don't know revmarshmellow.  I've never lost to someone like you.  Also seem to take the money in the end...but maybe, its just ... nah.
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them on long winter evenings."
Title: Re: How long does it take you to recover
Post by: RevZiLLa on June 25, 2004, 06:39:12 PM
Phillip Marlowe
         Posted: 6/25/2004 6:32 PM
Also seem to take the money in the end  

Usually you would have to go to a strip club to find someone who takes money in the "end".
Sounds like a freight train
Churning down the lane
Making pins fall like rain
And opponents writhe in pain
Title: Re: How long does it take you to recover
Post by: Phillip Marlowe on June 25, 2004, 06:40:22 PM
Phillip Marlowe
         Posted: 6/25/2004 6:32 PM
Also seem to take the money in the end  

Usually you would have to go to a strip club to find someone who takes money in the "end".
Sounds like a freight train
Churning down the lane
Making pins fall like rain
And opponents writhe in pain

No, just look for you, revy-baby.
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them on long winter evenings."
Title: Re: How long does it take you to recover
Post by: RevZiLLa on June 25, 2004, 06:42:20 PM
Sorry for the cheap shot Marlowe. It wasn't about you, It was just too EZ.
Sounds like a freight train
Churning down the lane
Making pins fall like rain
And opponents writhe in pain
Title: Re: How long does it take you to recover
Post by: Round Balls on June 25, 2004, 06:43:43 PM
Phillip Marlowe
         Posted: 6/25/2004 6:32 PM
Also seem to take the money in the end  

Usually you would have to go to a strip club to find someone who takes money in the "end".
Sounds like a freight train
Churning down the lane
Making pins fall like rain
And opponents writhe in pain

Well Go here and prove me yor ball's is as round as mine bitcah
If you beat me I threw In few ball's up urasss. STFU if u don't.

I bowl better than you casue my ball is rounder then yours