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Author Topic: Sunk thumb slugs. What to do?  (Read 6244 times)


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Sunk thumb slugs. What to do?
« on: June 16, 2009, 12:06:08 AM »
Over the past 3 weeks, I've had 2 balls, (Wild Ride and Chainsaw), suffer sunk thumb slugs while bowling.  

Is there anything that can prevent this from happening besides not using them?

I realize the weather out here in the desert may have something to do with the issue.  

Any thoughts or suggestions?
The bowler formerly known as BrunsRod.
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Re: Sunk thumb slugs. What to do?
« Reply #16 on: June 16, 2009, 11:54:04 AM »
Best is just drill the hole for the slug 1/4" less than slug and cut off with plug cutter/router to 1/32 and finish with bevel knife OR FLUSH if you have the plug cutter from Innovative!! Absolutely the best I have found after trying about 4-5 different brands!!!
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Re: Sunk thumb slugs. What to do?
« Reply #17 on: June 17, 2009, 10:13:45 AM »
I mark my drill bits with a layout pencil, either white or yellow, by setting the bit on the workbench with the slug so that its bottom is at the beginning of the straight section of the bit.  Ad I drill the marking shows up as a line on the bit, making it easy to stop 1/4" or so before the mark.  --  JohnP


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Re: Sunk thumb slugs. What to do?
« Reply #18 on: June 17, 2009, 01:05:13 PM »
I rarely have this problem but every once in a while it does happen.  Here is what I have found out. The slugs I was using were not completely round all the way.  I would get them installed and sometimes they may sit 1/16 or so above the bottom of the hole.  After they were cut off and leveled they were fine.  Every once in a while one would break loose and wiggle down.  The manufacture of the slugs has refined the process and the slugs are now better.


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Re: Sunk thumb slugs. What to do?
« Reply #19 on: June 17, 2009, 01:19:26 PM »
when i got slugs put in my balls my driller "Beans" usually put some kind of liquid in the bottom so the slug didnt sink.  If i touched the hardend substance when i held the ball in my hand he then drilled it out but the sides it was still there.  

I believe it was just some ball plug or something along those lines.  Havent had a slug drop since he started doing that.
- Joe
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