I thought in gender specific "Classic(w/ a C not K) or Scratch " Leagues that it was 2 lane courtesy. My old Chicago travel leagues where 1/3 were pros then expected that. Once any league became "mixed" in gender, it became 1 lane even if it was scratch. But then again, that WAS a long time ago....
I give 2 lane courtesy depending who it is. If the bowler is very serious about his/her game and they want it, I'll give it to them. But in my little hdcp league with the wife, I've learned(and still learning to give 1). At the Nationals, I look at the bowler, if he/she doesn't look back, then I'll give 1 lane but if they give you the look, it means they're paying attention and would like 2, then I'll give 2. I also learned what Rags stated about the right lane, it's like a blinking red, right of you...gets the right of way.
Rick Leong
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