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Author Topic: 250+ avg or 900 series?  (Read 2120 times)


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250+ avg or 900 series?
« on: April 24, 2012, 06:35:55 PM »
 Which one is more difficult to achieve? Please discuss and also how hard would it be to break the alltime average record, 261.

817- 900global Bank Solid
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Re: 250+ avg or 900 series?
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2012, 08:22:46 PM »
900 and its not even close. I know a couple of people that are 250 at this one house that's notorious for being incredibly easy. Lanes, pin carry and pattern can dictate average, but nothing can take away from someone being perfect 36 shots in a row regardless of how easy it may be.


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Re: 250+ avg or 900 series?
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2012, 04:31:51 AM »
Lengthy reply incoming......


I have to agree with Islenmetfan with an *.....


I've averaged 250 for 2 full seasons (see my profile), and averaged over 250 in a couple of summer league seasons in 2 different houses. When you have confidence in a center whether it be because of general familiarity or because of the shot that is put down, its "easy" to average a 750 set. However, shooting 900 is daunting no matter how easy the condition.


When averaging 250 in the leagues I have bowled, the mindset is 690-720 is a bad night. Anything over 800 is a good night. Everything in between is as it should be. Is this a horrible way to think? Sure. For some people it can create delusions that they should do this in other bowling alleys (I dont fall into these delusions).


I know in my set of circumstances, I've had times where I did enough to shoot an honor score or maintain my average and have more or less stopped to take a breath. Or relaxed just enough to let my foot off the gas. My mindset is about A) winning my point, B) making money in side action and C) maintaining or upping my average. Shooting 900 never enters in my head.


Now the *------

Now there are other bowlers, less accomplished bowlers, that have had recent success shooting in the 840s, 850s, 860s. In my mind, they dont have the consistency to average 250 over a full season (they might be able to for a summer). However, given the right conditions and surroundings----think a low pressure handicap league with teammates or opponents throwing Urethane or Plastic to help wall up the middle of the lane. Maybe they are subbing, so its a new environment (I've often done well when subbing around people who dont know me). Figure less aggressive equipment is thrown because the bowlers in a league like this dont always have the "newest and greatest" equipment. The shot will hold up longer and maybe play easier. Plus there is a free roll feel to subbing. You arent bowling for yourself so just let 'er rip. I know this is a lot of factors......


In the end, I think some of the best from this area could shoot 900 OR average 250 on the fluff that we bowl on. I've averaged 250 as have 2 other bowlers. I am more likely to average 250 than to shoot 900 (and I would say the same thing even if I hadnt averaged 250). Not everyone is like that. Alot of it has to do with the personal mindset. Do you have someone so driven by honor scores that they mail it in when they arent scoring, thus keeping the average down? Do you have someone who when they have their look are deadly, but without it, they are nothing? What if that look holds up?


As for the 261 average.......after averaging 250 for back to back years in a league (and 253 back to back summers in a league)......I'd NEVER be able to do that. You saying I need to pick up half a strike per game essentially. I just dont envision that happening. If one of the bowling alleys in the area wouldnt tinker with the shot----thats the only way. Last year, around Christmas I was around 258. I had bowled almost as many 800s in the league as I had non 800s. I could not have bowled any better than I did and the shot was totally catered to me----and I was still 3 pins short of 261 LOL. The 2nd half, the league average shot up, but my average went down. Why? They added oil to the middle of the lane creating push for everyone else. I didnt need push to help me----I liked the hook and the fact that I could get farther left than everyone. So while everyone else struggled with the hook in the 1st half, I slowed down with the push in the 2nd half. One mans trash is another mans treasure.

Bowler ID# 2039-6328
Chris Green
Bowler ID# 2039-6328


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Re: 250+ avg or 900 series?
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2012, 09:50:17 AM »
 Those are some impressive numbers. Have you done any regional PBA tournaments? How have u fared at the USBC Open Championships? League numbers are great for recognition around town. But put on a tough-er shot, how have you fared? I'm not taking anything away from your ability, just league numbers can be somewhat misleading. Especially when you say your on a fairly easy and comfortable shot. When they tinker with your shot, do can you still shoot 800?

817- 900global Bank Solid
803- Brunswick Vapor Zone
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Re: 250+ avg or 900 series?
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2012, 10:01:42 AM »
 Around here, the so-called easiest house still hasn't had a 250+ avg in it. Tam Wasson had a 245 couple seasons ago and this guy has 100+ 300s, 100+ 800s. I don't know what they put in water up north, but all the high avgs and almost all the 900s, except the last one in California, are all in northern states as well as all the high averages posts every year are all up north. My highest average, 231, 237 for summer was in Illinois. Ever since here in Texas, haven't broken 227 currently. And the highest avg i've seen so far personally is on my league this year and he's at 241 currently.

817- 900global Bank Solid
803- Brunswick Vapor Zone
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Re: 250+ avg or 900 series?
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2012, 11:53:59 AM »
Yeah, unless there is a cold front I doubt you are ever going to see a 900 rolled in Florida.


As per the original question, I would rather shoot a 900.


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Re: 250+ avg or 900 series?
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2012, 06:18:01 PM »
Other than a couple of guys (Carter, Scroggins) few know the names of bowlers who have averaged 250+.


But there is a special and list and ring for the 900 bowlers.


So I believe the 900 wins.


To break the average record it will probably have to be a lefty in a format with only 4 or 6 bowlers per pair (or less). And they will quit after getting to the required number of games (66 I believe).


Carter doing it right handed in a 5 person classic league, second shift I believe, is mind blowing to me.


It will be tough but will probably happen someday.


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Re: 250+ avg or 900 series?
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2012, 08:51:51 PM »
give it another two years and the 900's will definitely have it. Plus not all houses that are usbc certified, actually meet the criteria for flat gutters and such, so its not a fair comparison.


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Re: 250+ avg or 900 series?
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2012, 11:26:31 PM »
@ bowlfreak "Those are some impressive numbers. Have you done any regional PBA tournaments? How have u fared at the USBC Open Championships? League numbers are great for recognition around town. But put on a tough-er shot, how have you fared? I'm not taking anything away from your ability, just league numbers can be somewhat misleading. Especially when you say your on a fairly easy and comfortable shot. When they tinker with your shot, do can you still shoot 800?"

No offense taken. As I've stated many places----my numbers are inflated by 2 things. Easy lane conditions and an extreme knowledge from house to house, and pair to pair in this area. That being said, I've shot 300's in 9 different houses (10 if you count one that burnt down and got rebuilt LOL) and 4 different districts. Recently bowled a tournament at the Carlisle Eagles (see the Northeast tourney posts by Gilly300 for info on those) on the US Open pattern from a couple of years ago. I was one of 2 people to average 200 for qualifying.

My best results at Nationals.....
In the top 100 in All Events in 2008 (I think 92nd). Finished T-51st in Doubles in 2002 (I shot 700, my partner had 679 I believe). Shot 290 at the bowling stadium last year en route to shooting 1988. I've been going since 2000. My 1st 4 years went 1680+, 1690+, 1882, 1670+. So it was an ugly start. If I'm remembering my totals correctly, my overall average for the 1st 4 years was 192 nd change. My average after 12 years total (if my numbers are right on the number----which I think they are at least close) is just about 201. So am I setting the world on fire at Nationals? Am I winning any Eagles? Is Riggs going to ask me to be in his group next year? No. Am I far better than I used to be? Yes.

I know my strengths and I know my weaknesses. I'm not a great spare shooter for someone who averages what I do. I'm not horrible---just not excellent. I dont bowl well on shorter conditions typically. Although I have shot 298 bowling on the Cheetah and have learned how to play close to the gutter---just dont get a lot of chances to. I can play outside of 1st arrow comfortably now.

I have never bowled any regionals or PBA events and I have no aspirations to. I bowled the PBA Experience Leagues a couple of times and got torn apart at Red Crown Bowling Center and then at Trindle Bowl. At Trindle, the averages produced are always lower (the lane surface doesnt allow you to play certain places----the gutter is completely unplayable and even on their house shot its difficult to get the ball to read when you are playing in). It was a learning experience for me. I needed to figure out some safer drillings, safer shots to play, and be able to just make better shots. I bowled a full season on the patterns again at RC. Practicing on the patterns whenever I could. I averaged 204.37. The 1st 2 10 week cycles were bowled strictly on the PBA patterns. I averaged 210 and 209. The last 10 week cycle was bowled on the Nationals pattern half the time---I averaged 194. Then I went to Reno and shot 1772 for 9 games (196+ average)----so you could say that for some reason I didnt match up well on that pattern, but I wont use that excuse. When practicing on the pattern at home, I tend to play around. Throwing alot of different equipment to see what looks I have. Then I went out to Reno and bowled horribly. Missed makeable spares, bad ball changes, bad adjustments, and general horrendous shot making. Everything that could go wrong did for me. I just didnt bowl well. That was the one year since 2007 that I've left a TON out there.

Notice---I dont blame the lanes or anyone else. If I struggle on a condition----its on me. I bowled on an old Masters pattern last weekend at the Eagles. I bowled like an idiot. Didnt post any shots for the 1st half of the tournament. By the time I corrected my timing, it was too late.

The fact is, as with MOST anyone else, put me on a wall, and I'll average about 20-40 pins more than on something tough. Thats not to say that if I bowl something tough, I'm totally clueless. Thats just to say that I'm alot like everyone else......
Chris Green
Bowler ID# 2039-6328


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Re: 250+ avg or 900 series?
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2012, 11:33:50 PM »
As far as them tinkering with my shot on just a house shot. Tinkering with the shot might slow me down for a couple of weeks if that. But typically I'll find something eventually. Anymore, a teammate of mine and I have a running joke----when I shoot 800 the shot will change before the following week.

If I struggle for any reason, the shot doesnt change and so I can spend a little time thinking about what I saw or am seeing and then its just a matter of time. Some will read that and say "God he's arrogant". I'm ok with people thinking that. If only because I'm really not arrogant, I just know where I stand. People want to say "You cant bowl on anything tough". Ok, come bowl against me and we'll see who wins. If you beat me, I'm ok with that. If I bowl poorly, I'm ok with that too. In the end----there is a reason they call it an average........

Chris Green
Bowler ID# 2039-6328