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Author Topic: How many balls do you really need?  (Read 6316 times)


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How many balls do you really need?
« on: November 16, 2003, 04:01:18 PM »
As an avid golfer, I know you can get caught up in all the hype with the new stuff coming out.  I went through it for a few years -- having way too many drivers, more irons than I could ever play an too many putters to count.  Now I'm back into bowling after a long layoff and can feel the bug hitting again -- "If I only had this ball....."  I bought my Truck and couldn't really do anything with it, so I took a lesson.  Now, I at least know how to hit almost any combo on most conditions with one ball.  My biggest problem was last week -- I went to practice and the lane they put me on was completely toasted!!  I've never seen a ball come back with NO oil on it!!  I was lost -- rolled 6 games and had to quit or I was going to screw myself up.  I figure I need another ball for that condition -- but the big question is when does it end???  How many balls are too many??



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Re: How many balls do you really need?
« Reply #16 on: December 17, 2003, 06:04:49 PM »

PS now leave me alone, I have to get to EBAY to bid on a ball!

Thats my biggest problem....EBAY! Well buying on here too, along with, then there's the pro shop here and between all...I still have too many balls (but want many more!)

Is there anything good on EBAY right now?!?!?!? I need another ball!

P.S.S. I have to get to EBAY to outbid Lefty on a ball!
Whats that made of?
14 Karat Gold.
Really??? Looks like rubber!
No the ring, not the hand....

Edited on 12/17/2003 7:04 PM