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Author Topic: how many games can you bowl in a row?  (Read 2711 times)


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how many games can you bowl in a row?
« on: August 18, 2004, 05:59:14 AM »
well I was out bowling and I started to question myself and my drilling's on my bowling balls (as far as comfort wise) so I started to keep bowling after my usual 6 games of practice.  I kept going and didn't feel any irration from the 2 balls I had out so I kept going some more. and kept going and going and going like the energizer bunny until my feet got tired (lol, feet getting tired, what a joke).  My hand felt in perfect condition and had no blisters or cuts or anything.  I had to stop of my feet and I finally ended up at 37 games.  So my question to you is, how many games can you go in a row without taking a break (expect for the restroom and drinks)?



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Re: how many games can you bowl in a row?
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2004, 02:02:12 PM »
The most I have done is 24 but feel i could do more
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Re: how many games can you bowl in a row?
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2004, 02:08:29 PM »
well I didn't worry about the money situation because I get bowling for free as long as there isn't any paying customers waiting for a lane.


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Re: how many games can you bowl in a row?
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2004, 02:50:46 PM »

My highest without stopping is 27,I may have bowled
a few like these for various mental reasons.I could've
gone more games easy,but two things.This is my most recent
ta memory.

1)It was 1:20ish in the morning and they close
at 2am!So for obvious reason I'm not Super
Fast Bowlerman.

Off record,I did bowl in my league 5 hours earlier
that same exact night would that count on a new total?

2)I got a vicious side thumb blister that hurt
like a motha scratcher!!

Funny too,I was bowling like a madman because
of a female rejection at a local swap meet,I've knoen
this particular woman for a couple of years and decided
like a bonehead to ask that first date question,hoo boy.
Soooooo,since that didn't work and I wasn't gonna go postal,
I just decided to bowl off serious frustration that night!!

Man!!!Was I sore the next mornibg,woke up to 3
leg cramps,back ta back,YOWHHCH!!!!
Hand from blister was redish red and my right shoulder
was on hurtful fire.

Since that mainiacal Bowlerama,my highest since
was a mere 17 or 18,kinda a cutback,less shoulder pain
and only a spot tear on thumb or finger blisters
as well.

Nowdays I bowl from 4 to 12 games,just ta save my
self from humiliating future Itoldyousodays!!

Like I typed earlier,when I get into a female pre drama,
lie date cancellations or future rejections,I'll be back
on Adrenaline Bowling Killpin Gamarama Killing Pin mode!!

Who's next to tell their tale!



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Re: how many games can you bowl in a row?
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2004, 03:12:10 PM »
In the last decade I don't think I've ever gone over 12 games, and that only in an old marathon tournament that is no more.  When I was a kid I would often bowl well over 100 games between 5 Friday and 5 Sunday, often in sets of 30+ games.  I worked a lot of Friday or Saturday night shifts and when we locked the doors the counter man (RIP Don Jones) and I would bowl for a couple of hours, then there was Saturday morning jr. league, then either travel league or just bowling another 3 hours or so.  Bowling sure was cheap then.
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Re: how many games can you bowl in a row?
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2004, 04:03:58 PM »
The most I did NONSTOP was around 50-60 games(lost exact count).

Within a few hours I could barley move, but my hands were in perfect condition.
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Re: how many games can you bowl in a row?
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2004, 04:18:44 PM »
I don't remember back too terribly far, but the most I've ever done has been in PWBA regionals.
30 minutes warmup = about 3 games
6 games qualifying
break for lunch
30 minutes warm up = 3 more games
6 more games qualifying
2 pro am squads 3 games each
about 24 games.
Under fairly high stress conditions - except for the pro-ams - they're just fun!

I know that while practicing, I, a 40+ year old woman, have kept going long after the 25 year old practice partner gave up completely exhausted!!!

And - I also know that before Bob Rea changed my style, I worked a LOT harder throwing a bowling ball than I do now. I can go more games than I used to!
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Re: how many games can you bowl in a row?
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2004, 06:18:56 PM »
I've bowled for 8+ hours straight with a teammate.  I don't even want to do the math on how many games that was.  We didn't even keep score for the first few hours, just threw balls and played strikes.
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Re: how many games can you bowl in a row?
« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2004, 12:35:12 AM »
Back in my college days we would go to this house that was 50 cents a game the final 4 hours of the day (9pm to 1 am) so I would get in 15-20 games a night. The most I remember bowling back then in a single day including practice would be 25 games.



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Re: how many games can you bowl in a row?
« Reply #9 on: August 19, 2004, 12:40:31 AM »
the most I have ever done is 32 in one day but I have been known to bowl 20 games a day. Mainly bowl 10 games a day.
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Re: how many games can you bowl in a row?
« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2004, 12:57:26 AM »
PhireX,  believe it or not, but for me, I actually get a lot more accurate from my 8th til whenever I'm done bowling and only getting better scores with the more games I bowl.


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Re: how many games can you bowl in a row?
« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2004, 01:19:39 AM »
maybe im the only one, but the thing i love the most about bowling 20+ games in one set is the fact that i get to see tons of different conditions before im done, and i can go from playing straight up 7 or 8 all the way to lofting the gutter by the time im finished.  add into that the mental aspect of having to withstand fatigue and redundancy, and its probably the best way to practice while keeping score.  its amazing how much one person can break down a lane.  but u just better make sure you get fresh oil at the beginning...or sparks may be shooting up from the lane before youre done.

i would say 32 or 33 is the most ive done, and only about 18-20 or so is the most in the past year.  its still alot, but once you hit the 15th game or so most of the houses i bowl at are completely toasted beyond anything i would ever see in a tourney.



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Re: how many games can you bowl in a row?
« Reply #12 on: August 19, 2004, 12:15:08 PM »
I can only bowl 10-12 before my back/leg cramps up
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