I feel the pain, I can't play any f'ing revs at our house or i dont carry, the fluffers on the other had are having a blast. I got ticked one night and just started throwing as hard as i could up the track with almost nothing on the ball, bam 10 in a row, for some reason I had to hold the ball a bit long on the 11th and split city. the synthetics they have now are not as nice for me as the wood was, but hey I work with it. I find the only way to carry with revs is to get to the one board at 42ft and watch it rip back and then I hope to god I didn't let up my speed. Do I like the shots I have, NO. Is there something out there, Yes. My suggestion is make SURE, you are up the back of the ball, not around the side, then let your ball creep out as far as you are comfortable with and watch the reaction. I'm betting you will be able to move a bit right, and go straiter and screw with the fluffer line. Try it you might like it