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Author Topic: Bowling Ball Names: Are they just running out of good ones?  (Read 10997 times)


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Bowling Ball Names: Are they just running out of good ones?
« on: December 13, 2011, 10:22:54 AM »
It seems like the balls anymore have some really lame names. I mean there are balls with random numbers and letters as there name and others that seem like a 6 year old named them.Seems like the "tough cool" ball names are here and gone. back in the mid-late 1990s we had some cool names like Hammer, Zone, Wolf, Cat ,Cobra, Ninja, Track balls like the enforcer, punch, Ebonite Werewolf, Brunswick Danger Zone, Rhino series, I could go on and on im sure im leaving out some awesome names. I believe that the number of ball companies 15 years ago was maybe 4, now its probablt doubled and they balls offered by each company are what, 12 per year now? before  long we will be seeing ball names with chinese symbolism or maybe after our favorite foods. Is Brunswick Pop Tart next? Ebonite Egg Beater?

lets face it... this isnt deadlifting or picking up women.. its BOWLING!!!! Stop acting tough when you roll 4 strikes in a row!!!



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Re: Bowling Ball Names: Are they just running out of good ones?
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2011, 06:57:56 PM »
Hahaha! So true. The Zone and Inferno series had the coolest names I thought. Also really liked InSite's names.

CHRIS FARLEY:1964-1997  
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Re: Bowling Ball Names: Are they just running out of good ones?
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2011, 08:29:44 PM »
Even 15 years ago there was well more then 4 bowling ball companies. Even back then there were several lame bowling ball names. There are many now, and many more to come. Some will be relative to the person. Most by none bowlers will be considered lame. It happens with a lot of different things including cars.
If you weren't a bowler would you really think a bowling ball called a Rhino is cool? Not likely. No matter what we as bowlers think there is nothing cool about bowling.
Companies from 1996-1997 range I can remember and confirm on,
Carmin Salvino 
Lane 1
Pin Breaker
Power Play
Roto Grip
Sports Tec

"1 of 1." 
Edited by kidlost2000 on 12/13/2011 at 10:35 PM
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: Bowling Ball Names: Are they just running out of good ones?
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2011, 09:35:01 PM »
well yes a rhino is much cooler than a 816A! its also much more original and implies power. Some of these ball names today couldnt get any lamer so i dont think we have to worry about that. Plus these ball names like Ninja, Rhino, KO-Punch had diffrentiation and were unique with their names. im pretty sure an 816B and 816A argument is a lot less interesting than a Danger Zone vs. Lightning. Kind of like a dog named Matt.Or a man named rover. I just think the creativity and originality has no where to go but down with these names. I'm challenging them to step it up with the names. It's $150-200 per ball can I atleast get a cool, original name?

lets face it... this isnt deadlifting or picking up women.. its BOWLING!!!! Stop acting tough when you roll 4 strikes in a row!!!


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Re: Bowling Ball Names: Are they just running out of good ones?
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2011, 09:52:42 PM »
I agree with the Track naming systems when it came out as being a bad idea. I know what a Triton Elite is several years later vividly but will likely not remember much about the new Track naming systems. It works for BMW on their cars to some extant.
Still originally we had
A is angular,
T is traction,
C is control 
Now we have
C for continuous control 
AT for all terrian
and I'm sure more new made up things to come as well. Any more names don't matter as much to me because looking back at some of the names and logos you mentioned you liked, I thought were just ok. Had a gray Cobra, lame and chessy looking ball, thought the punch series and Sugar Ray Leonard stuff was also lame. But someone out there must thinks these are great ideas because they put them on bowling balls and try to sell them. Most of it is relative to the person and their perspective. I'm not a fan of Tracks new ever changing number letter system, but colors seem to be big for selling todays bowling balls. To each their own.

"1 of 1." 
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: Bowling Ball Names: Are they just running out of good ones?
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2011, 12:33:11 AM »
Me personally, I don't care if they call it the "Dog Turd," as long as it rolls well. Do you really bowl any better with a ball that has a "cool" name over one that you consider lame?


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Re: Bowling Ball Names: Are they just running out of good ones?
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2011, 01:52:08 PM »
I am still waiting for the "Soul Crusher"

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Re: Bowling Ball Names: Are they just running out of good ones?
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2011, 02:40:22 PM »
It is part of marketing. Name color, shelf appeal ect. Make them all black, I won't mind. Names will work them selves out. Turds always show up no matter then name or color on the ball.

"1 of 1." 
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: Bowling Ball Names: Are they just running out of good ones?
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2011, 03:35:25 PM »
 I may be the only one that likes the Track number system. Found it useful and interesting. But again I love BMW and knowing what motors they have and there series. It looks more professional then a ball called fast and furious. But same boat, as long as it rolls well, what ever. Oh wait what about Bangers equipment?! Stuff was named for creepy dudes with pockets full of candy and vans with no Windows!


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Re: Bowling Ball Names: Are they just running out of good ones?
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2011, 05:46:22 PM »
+1 on Bangers sickness
As far as Track it only really tells you a little.
First # equals the Series, This I can actually get with
Second# equals balls MB rating, This means nothing to the vast majority buying the ball and changes with putting holes in the ball.
Third spot/letter is the ball shape. This will also very with the layout and any surface changes that come along. Not to mention how they are making up new meanings for what the same three letters stand for. Or start combining them. 916AT, Then the 718ATC, or 915CAT whatever else comes along.
Past the first number being the series the rest means very little. 

"1 of 1." 
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.