My son has no groupies, I sure won't myself.
BUT we have had folks hang around when he places in finals and leave when he gets bumped out.
Once in ABT he bad to bowl each match of finals, leader kind of jokingly wished my son would win because he'd get bump into next division with a win. Actauuly during semis they were on same pair and that guy rooted for my son to make the finals.
At home, a lot of folks feel Chris should be out there Pro with his skills. Hasn't gotten to point they'd sponsor him. Someone told me when someone is willing to walk the talk with cash, then it's time to go pro. While I worked my intentions were to sponsor him. Mom isn't sane of pyshically when enough to work. Sure wish I'd write my darn book, rather than same some day.
One dude sponsored him one week, he was saying the other night, he feels he should give the guy back his money for the tournament that he lost in. Sponsors would dig that, couldn't lose if guy paid you back later when they do better.
Kathy, From PA!
Big mouth, loves to talk.
I wish I knew as much about bowling as my son.
He's not a bragger but mom sure loves to share his good times!